PRONUNCIATION: Hyalite, i am not so sure, but at least i tried!!!!
I want to go in Metlife South Asian Spelling Bee so I have to study
it's should be HYALITE which is a colorless opal that is clear as glass or sometimes translucent or whitish
what kind of word is this, it's very (10x) hard. I didn't hear that word before I just see it now.
Definition of HYALITHE
: an opaque glass that resembles porcelain and is sometimes used as a gemstone
hahah our school will compete in APRISM 2011(PHILIPPINES) haha and i will be the one who wiull compete for spelling bee competition-highschool level(1st year)

Normans brought over not only fighting ability in 1066, they also brought French, which is why the language spoke in Great Britain, officially, is not a different accented form of Danish, which until the end of the 1500s, could be understood, more or less, in England.
jejje I laughed because for he scripps national bee contest one of the contestants were unable to spell this word which is very tricky for many of those who doesn't listen to the orgin which is something very important to listen when in copetition
what is so hard I don't know what all of you are saying and what word is very hard
Ennui is one of many loan-words from the French language. It is used in English, yes, but it is of French origin.
Guys I looked it up in a major dictionary, and it's 100% an English word.
The English language adopted French words so the people who said it was French were right. I know cuz i asked my French teacher i am in French I
i thought that it's pronunciation is ''enuwi'' but it's difficult to spell
I am 100% sure this is English. Search up on google "ennui define" and according to my computer, it comes up and is officially in the English language
Dudes, it's English
Type it up on google or go to dictionary.com!!
can you use it in a sentence?inorder for me to know what it's mean...thanks

Hahah. it is pronounced as borshwasi.... bor-shwa-si.. simple as that..
this term means the man who is always busy in earnig money...
It also appeared in a spelling bee that I once did. Another similar word is 'bourgeois'.
This will probably come up in a spelling competition, since it is not very long and the meaning isn't that scientific or medical.
It's very hard to spell. i don't think this would be spelled in a spelling competition right?
`This is the pronunciation of Bourgeoisie ---> bu̇(r)zh-ˌwä-ˈzē
_ i think it was "bourgeois" ! no E anymore ... i met this word when my teachr let us spell this word:)

I was about to use the full name the biggest protein or whatever its called, But the source I get it from has dots.
how about aeqeosalinocalcalinocereacioaluminosocupreovitriolic?
When did this word come to earth ,which dictionary did you find the word Sir/madam.
I have joined scripps before. And I have heard this word for the 23rd time... Hahah..... Lol... I know a longer word...
I'm pretty sure I could spell that in my dreams. I don't know I'm just very intelligent.
if you look at the word properly you can make out othe words.
This was cut and pasted to a search engine, with plenty of results linking to serious documentation. It's a real word.
By the way, these are all real words, and are not nonsense. The both have real meanings.
I also know about Pnuemonoultramicroscopicsilicovolcanoconiosis. It is a word for a lung disease caused by the inhalation of silica dust.
Actually, it is a real word describing the structure of the human body. Osseo = bone, carn = flesh, sanguine = blood, viscera = soft internal organs, cartiligan = cartilage, nervo = the nerves, and medullary = the inner core, or the marrow.
cant even pronounce or spell it, this word was created to attract people's attention
iy might be a doctor made that word becayse it is very unique word ...
have you ever heard this guys?
oh my!! if you tell me the right pronunciation of that!! i will never ever say that!!
if it is a word what is the definition?............something like that is a jumbled word///
I dont think this is still English. Something must be done, this is too much!
some words are combinations of other words, dude. es, this is a word, a technical one. but i don't agree it's hard to spell -- it's just effin' long. it means 'resembling human body'
maybe these words are combination of medical terms I guess...
osseos---( which means bone maybe)
medulla oblangata
i don't think that is a word,if it is really a word what is the exact meaning of this word?are you all taking words seriously?

its a disease called pneumonia---it was the scientific word on it
pronounced NUE-moun-ULT-ruh-mik-ro-scopik-SILEE-cov-ULL-cano-CONI-osis
ah it's the longest name in the world ir longest ame of diseace
Easy. I memorized antidisestablishmentariism when I was 6. :) I'm 8 and in fifth grade.
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Pneumonoultramicroscopicsilicovolcanoconiosis is, according to the Oxford English Dictionary, "a factitious word alleged to mean 'a lung disease caused by the inhalation of very fine silica dust, causing inflammation in the lungs.'"[1] A condition meeting the word's definition is normally called silicosis.
It occurs chiefly as an instance of a very long word.[2] The 45-letter word was coined to serve as the longest English word and is the longest word ever to appear in an English language dictionary. It is listed in the current edition of several dictionaries.[3]
its not hard to spell .. u need to memorize only the sequence of that word ....
I have known how to spell this for a while pneumonoultramicroscopicsilicovolcanoconiosis without looking because I found it in the dictionary
MEANING--- a lung disease caused by the inhalation of very fine silica dust, causing inflammation in the lungs
i did not get this word did you make it by your own this word.just tell me the meaning
You can spell it as Pneumono-ultramicroscopic-silico-volcano-coniosis

hard and like a riddle, its fun to memorize it...... try it and please rank it high if u like it
:) thank you...
It has come into common usage because of Mary Poppins. Shakespeare invented plenty of words. It IS a word, however it is misspelled. English is a living language and allows new words into the lexicon all the time.
Actually, there is no definition to the word. It is simply a word you say when you don't know what else to say.
SUPERCALIFRAGILISTICEXPIALIDOCIOUS is the correct spelling and this word means swell or extraordinary. So in other words, it is a positive word.
it's so hard to spell you spelt it wrong. it's spelt supercalifragilisticexpialidocious
I remember the song called this, played by Andre Rieu's orchestra. This is classical music! Lol...
That is not how you spell it! You spell it supercalifragilisticexpialidocious
...psssshhh, is there even a spelling contest that would add that to their list?hmmm....
It is the incorrect spelling. Also, this isn't officially in the dictionary, therefore is not a word.
To the third comment, its hippopotomonstrosesquippeddaliaphobia.
This is not really a word, but I am always asked to spell it, but that's really annoying because it's not a word
if mary poppins had hippopotomonoistrosesquedeaophobia, or fear of long words, then she would have had a heart attack after she wrote this
Yeah, dude, learn to spell these words ... I mean, how do you know it's fun to memorize, if you haven't?
It is popularized from the movie Mary Poppins, there is no meaning of this word, actually.
it's not superkalafragalisticexpialidosius...
it should be supercalifragilisticexpialidocious
i think it's supercalifragilisticexpialidocious ... nah, dunno. But i think that's it.

It is pronounced as kee but people tend to pronounce it as Kway.
it is a unloading bay for ships
It's definitely pronounced as Kee, I'm from Sydney and Circular Quay is a well known place
I encountered this word when we went to Singapore. There's a place called Clarke Quay and a friend told me that the right pronunciation was "klark kee" .
yeah i think itz kee, but that makes no sense whatsoever considering the spelling...

Well, actually I've got this word easy. Some people I know misspells it for its pronunciation which is 'cur-nel'. So Yeah?
this word was spell to us you say it just like "kernel" but the spelling is colonel
Im 11 and i knew that but my cousin is 24 and didn't he is a terrible speller but awesome (so he claims) at math
i'm only 10 years old and i know it already!
It's so simple to me :))
This word is pretty easy. I'm only 11 and have participated in the State Final of the Premier's Spelling Bee so it's simple to me.
For my Qualifying Round Elementary Spelling Bee, I was tied for 2nd place finalist to go into the School Spelling Bee. My friend and I were tied and the teacher quizzed us on 10 words...We spelled everything EXACTLY THE SAME except for one word...colonel. My friend spelled it "kernel" and I spelled it "colonel," so I was the one who entered the School Spelling Bee
haha when I first encountered this in 3rd grade I couldn't stop pronouncing it exactly as its spelled
actually,when I encountered this!!! I dont know what is the right spelling of it..

It means rubber in French... These past words have all been French (adopted by the English language-English has adopted many words from many languages;Greek/ Latin roots?)
ya itz pronounced cow-chook, which is difficult enough, but it also means something as simple as rubber. I always have wondered why the english language is so extremely intricate.

This is a long and rarely used English word. It means to be blazed or apathetic. People often forget when to put one or two t's .
is this a word or not?
it is really confusing i never heard a word like this,i am the champion of all spellers and yet i think this is not a WORD.
wow...so hard to spell, i even had a hard time pronouncing it.
Oh My God.... one of the longest words ive come accross!!!!!!!!!
it is just a bluff there is no word like that i had gone to America i had seen in all the dictionaries
oh my. is it really a word? i thought its a sentence
otherwise, it makes my mind puzzled.
thats so so hard I have been looking for hard spelling but this is enourmous
A word which comes from english, i've never heard this word before

it is one of my spelling words. easy to spell, it is pronounced hippo-poto-mon-stroses-quip-ed-lia-phobia
Isn't hippopotomonstrasesquippedaliophobia the correct spelling?
Spelling is dead wrong ! its -
maybe I have this kind of phobia...i will never try to spell it :)
i think itz pronounced hip-oh-mahn-stroh-ses-kwi-peh-dae-lee-oh-foh-bee-uh phew...that is a mouthful
if a person has a fear of long words,then he's also afraid of his own illness. :))
oh it so very very hard to spell not only to spell also to say
Actually it's "hippopotomonstrosesquipedaliophobia". You added an extra "p".
OMG! still wrong spelling i think..does it have 2 spelling words? xD the spelling i know is "Hippopotomonstrosesquippedaliophobia".....That's the spelling i know..:D

'Queueing' actually has the most consecutive vowels of any English word.
I had this on a 5th Grade spelling test a while ago, and it is actually really easy to spell.
this is the only word i knew among these very difficult word..........
how surprising that its pronunciation is too short!!!!!!
I know how to spell this beacuase i update my netflix queue everyday

the reason why this should be added as a difficult word is not because few people use it but why few people use it.
I thought it was the other way around. I have only ever heard it pronounced lieu-tenant in America. I was very confused why the British people I have seen on TV pronounce it lef-tenant.
its only pronounced left-tenant in america using proper english its loo-ten-ent
It is only pronounced as "leftinent" in the navy- the typical pronunciation actually is "loo-ten-uh nt"

I ALWAYS get this wrong because I ALWAYS leave out the o (it's SO frustrating!!!) by the way this is the name of a famous person that I learnt in Science)
Carl Linnaeus (Swedish original name Carl Nilsson Linnæus, 23 May[note 1] 1707 – 10 January 1778), also known after his ennoblement as Carl von Linné (help·info),[1] was a Swedish botanist, physician, and zoologist, who laid the foundations for the modern scheme of binomial nomenclature. He is known as the father of modern taxonomy, and is also considered one of the fathers of modern ecology. Many of his writings were in Latin, and his name is rendered in Latin as Carolus Linnæus
i really lack words in my vocabulary, what does this mean, anyway?
huh....i cant understand...please explain it in a simple way...

It actually means a word that represents a sound. Ex: Boom, ring, crash etc.
it means something expressed in a big way like bang crash boom
I know a girl named Mea, and my teacher always calls her "Mea, Mea, Onomatopoeia." Really Mr. A?
it is pronounced as " on-o-ma-to-pee-ya", it is kind of figurative language , that introduced sound such as " Hizz " " Meow " "buzz".
i could spell this ! even my little prothers could spell it by just the pronounciation!!!
oh no the others is so hard but rhe others is so simpple because we take it in our class thats way its so essay

It is a French phrase meaning coffee with cream. Well something like that.
pronounced as (boh-zahr) . . it is a style of architecture that prevailed in France in the late 19th century
duh.!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! its correct pronunciation is Day-no-mont. not even denuma...
It refers to the resolution of the story which belongs to the Plot.
It means the final resolution . Thats what I know!
Hope I Helped!
DAY-NOO-MON is its pronunciation (not pronOunciation). It says so on Reader's Digest. :)
It means the final resolution of the intricacies of a plot, as of a dramaor novel.
denouement means resolution, i think .
It was included in our book report >___>

Guess what? I am in fourth grade and we are doing reports on one specific disease. I chose this one because I love spelling words! The only annoying thing is that whenever I am writing the 48 letter word it takes forever. It is when you breath in silica dust and you get infected, kind of like a cold.
typed 10 seconds :D
As far As I can remember, this word used to be the longest word in the world.?
Am I right?
Pneumonoultramicroscopicsilicovolcanoconiosis...Its not very rare! i've seen it many times!
i can spell it...honestly.
i learnt it throughout my school years.
its Pneumonoultramicroscopicsilicovolcanoconiosis and is of 45 letters
wow! its already familiar to me
cuz i met this word wen i joined spelling competition
this is a real word, but it is not the loongest, to see the longest fing the top ten longest words on the internet
would anyone ever use that word?? I don't think its very practical...
a lung disease caused by the inhalation of very fine silica dust, causing inflammation in the lungs

Ma- kee- yage (on yage, let the a flow: like "ahhhh" and the g also flows)
i know how to pronounce it. its ma-ki-naj and been a lesson from our school. cant you do better than this?
Why do this word ranked no.1 aside from the word ranked no.11?
It's abbreviated for DDTE - a chemical compound as a Synthetic pesticide
its a word .. that's the third longest word in the oxford dictionary ..
eisiest word ever it is also actualy the longest REAL word in english
this is pretty easy. i myself can spell "definitely" but NOBODY else can for some reason! this should be on the list
It is easy when you spell it word by word ''anti-dis-establishment-arianism
It is a word and it means opposition to the withdrawal of state support or recognition from an established church, esp. the Anglican Church in 19th-century England.

It contain 27 letters and this word is a contribution of shakespeare Moreover it is very difficult to comprehend
(YOO-fa-miz-m) To use an offensive name. I forget the second E and the EU I sometimes spell YOO, YOU, EW, and others.
Only because it should be pronounced ploof, if you follow the logic of the "ough" such as enough
It means inflammation of the sweat glands. It sounds like it should be spelled "hydratinous" or something
Otolaryngology or ENT (ear, nose, and throat) is the branch of medicine and surgery that specializes in the diagnosis and treatment of ear, nose, throat, and head and neck disorders. The full name of the specialty is otolaryngology–head and neck surgery. Practitioners are called otolaryngologists–head and neck surgeons, or sometimes otorhinolaryngologists (ORL).
This is one of my favorite words, and it means the love of hotels. Pronounced zen-o-duh-kye-nohl-igee.
This word basically means, "fear of the number thirteen". It's about the most difficult word I know how to spell. Even the words in my county spelling bee were easier than this!
Pronounced as (boh-zahr) . . . it is a style of architecture that was prevailed in France in the ate 19th century
Just for the mere fact that most people pronounce it a much different way than how iut is actually spelled (derailler)
Yeah, yeah... and that is. hieroglyphics
Not so hard....
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