Best Broadway Musicals of All Time
445 items ranked
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Victor Herbert's 1906 Broadway musical hit included the songs, "Moodbeams" and "In Old New York."
Jerome Kern's music made this 1933 musical that included, "Smoke Gets In Your Eyes," "Let's Begin," and "Yesterdays."
Victor Herbert's 1910 Broadway hit included "Ah, Sweet Mystery of Life," and "I'm Falling in Love With Someone," both of which reappeared in Thoroughly Modern Millie in 2002.
Yes it was produced by Oscar Hammerstein I, but he was Oscar Hammerstein II's grandfather, not his father. Willie Hammerstein was the II's father, he was a stage musical and theatre manager.
The most imaginative show I have seen. Smart lyrics; clever, edgy songs that challenge political correctness; and exceptionally skilled puppeteers make AQ a musical with staying power in 2016. Existential themes--what's my purpose, why am I here?--are carefully integrated into the plot with wit and sensitivity.
It's a shame that they is so low. I would probably put it in my top 20. Brilliant book filled with meaty characters and witty dialogue, complemented by an equally edgy score that altogether just makes for one of the most entertaining evenings one can witness. It's pure genius.
Just saw this show for the first time at Theater Alliance in Winston-Salem, NC. What a great show!!! It is vulgar, sweet, crass, touching and actually teaches great life lessons. I thought from all the buzz about this show that it would be overrated. I was wrong - it deserves all the attention it has gained. Great songs!!
I don't really know how to argue with those points, though vulgar might be a little harsh. It's certainly not a kids musical but all the perversion is done so well that it's just a riot to watch.
Avenue Q may be perverted and completely disgusting, but that doesn't mean its a bad musical. Its defiantly in my top 10
Avenue Q is vulgar, perverted and disgusting. Which is why it should be higher on this list. It teaches you that life isn't always happy-go-lucky and that problems (and porn) are inveitable. Combined with great music, a wonderful cast and lovable characters it is a great tony award winning show that is much better than the 76th best.

George and Ira Gershwin's musical satire of the US and Switzerland going to war over chocolate tarrifs. It included "I've Got a Crush on You."
Opening a week after another George M. Cohan hit, Forty-Five Minutes from Broadway, this 1906 Broadway smash gave us, "You're a Grand Old Flag."
There were actually different Zeigfeld Follies from 1907 through 1931 produced by Florence Ziegfeld (later versions were not). His revues were some of the greatest spectacles on the stage
Rent is an amazing musical. Its a truley beautiful. Slow clap for johnathan larson
HOW ON EARTH IS RENT 202?????????? This show is absolutely fantastic! The songs are awesome! Definitely needs to be higher up!
this is based on "la boheme" by puccini. anyone saying that this musical is crap must really hate one of the most incredible operas of all time. rent is a modernised version of the brilliant opera. the songs and message in this are REAL, unlike a heap of shows out there now.
Did I miss the disclaimer "in no specific order"? There are tons of shows that should be higher on the list. I guess it depends what they're being ranked on...
This belongs near the bottom. It has a couple of catchy songs, but not much of a musical. The book is not interesting and the ending isn't really an ending - there is basically little plot.
Okay, Rent is absolutely fantastic, but even if it isnt in the top ten, it should AT LEAST be ahead of Shrek!
Rent is the best musical ever! Not only are the songs amazing but the storyline and actors are amazing too. Rent was on Broadway for ever. What is it doing all the way down at number 399 it deserves the top ten. Best musical ever!
WHAT THE HECK!?!?!? Rent should b at east 10!!!!!!!! Most amazing music characters plot message!!! Everything!!
Omg. This is one of the most ground breaking musicals ever. Not only was the storyline and songs amazing... it took musical theatre to a new place.
Not to mention the amazing story behind it, how the Director never got to see his show performed to a live audience as he died the night before opening.... and the show went on. His parents knew each cast that did it on broadway and stayed with it until it was complete 20 odd years later. :O
rent shows that life isnt always clean and pristine. why is it on the bottom? its an amazing musical!!!
Rent was the best musical EVER!!!! what is it doing alll the way down here it should be in the top ten!!!!

Rodgers & Hart's 1938 hit starred Eddie Albert with hit songs like "Sing for Your Supper" and "Falling In Love With Love"
Brilliant show. Breathtaking, smart, heartbreaking. Love this show.
This musical is underrated. It has an amazing score and characters that you really care for. I love it and I would love to see it get more praise.
There are at least 50 other shows that say "Best musical ever" or "should be number 1." This is a good show, but probably overrated compared to other shows where it is.
Based on the 1991 Diseny film of the same name, this musical ran on Broadway for 5,464 performances between 1994 and 2007.
Beautiful sets, beautiful costumes, beautiful music, beautiful musical, everything about this musical is beautiful! :D In my opinion it should have won all the tonys it was nominated for! :)
Absolutely thrilling, exciting, and fun! Wonderful music and such a lively cast.
A dark musical.....great classic songs. It's interesting that some refer to this as a "kid's show" because of the large number of kid actors in the show. But, it is really is too dark to be called a kid show.
One of the very best shows of all time! How the hell did it wind up being #127?!
Mamma Mia is the tenth longest running Broadway Musical and on any day around the world there are at least seven performances of Mamma Mia. 98 on this list? Ridiculous!
What I liked best was the reprise after the the story was over. The actress playing Donna came out singing and looking like she was have so much fun that it should be illegal. Something I will never forget.
1949 Jule Styne and Leo Robin musical hit that ran for 740 performances that was Carol Channing's first starring role. It included the songs, "Little Girl from Little Rock" and "Diamonds Are A Girl's Best Friend."
Best musical I have seen. "Weak once you strip out the music"... Huh? Most musicals wouldn't work without the music. More than a jukebox musical, this story is fantastic. All I know is I was on a high for about three days after seeing this. Number one in my book and there really isn't a close 2.
This musical is pretty weak once you strip out the music of the Four Seasons. Should be lower.
Admittedly, I am not a fan of jukebox musicals but there is no real plot in the story and the most drama involved is regarding how the band will react to Tommy's gambling debts. Boring!
AND THE CROWD GOES WILD!. Really. I have seen a lot of shows but I never saw the reaction to a number like what I saw at the Jersey Boys. And it happened 3 times during the show. This is a top ten show
this musical should be in the top ten, even though it is a relatively new musical

Cole Porter's 1943 show starring Ethel Merman, Bill Johnson, Betty Garrett, and Paula Laurence
One THE bravest musical EVER. Sondheim is an absolute GENIOUS. Better than anyone in musical theatre EVER!!!!!!! Better than Rodgers and Hamerstein. A thousand Leagues better than Andrew Lloyd Webber and don't even mention stephen schwartz.
I had a chance to be in a great production of this show. Great music...the show asks the audience to fill in some of the blanks: in some of the scenes, it is not spelled out exactly what is happening. Almost like a movie where you are asked to come up with your explanation! I really like that about "Violet".
Broadway musical directed by Julie Taymor and with a glorious score by Frank Wildhorn. Starring Gerard Butler and Kristen Stewart. Nominated for seven Tony awards.
The only musical that Richard Rodgers and Stephen Sondheim collaborated in creating a musical
Rodgers & Hart's 1939 hit musical starred Desi Arnez, Eddie Bracken, and Van Johnson.
this was the funniest musical I have ever seen.the characters are so endearing and have beautiful voices. the choreography is pretty fantastic.
my favourite show ever its amazing and with lea michelle and jonathen groff it is the best broadway show of the last few years
All musicals in one way or another have brought something new to musical theatre, all depends on the time period.
How can anyone say that the score is "unoriginal and redundant" or "monotonous"? I happen to believe that this show has brought something new to musical theatre. Just because it is not based on the same overused and frankly annoying clichés that many of the "Classic" musical scores have used.
This brought nothing new to the stage except vulgarity at a new low. The book is shallow, the lyrics are simple yet depraved, and the music is monotonous. I have never been more excited to see a show because of the hype and never more disappointed at the end.
This might be the worst musical ever. The music is unoriginal and redundant, the lyrics are vulgar without being original, and it is downright depressing. The biggest disappointment I've ever had in going to a show.
403?! this musical is brilliant! the script, soundtrack, cast, etc.. it should definitely be in the top 25
this was a really good musical to me. it was as revolutionary as rent was. it should be at least in the top 100

1932 Jerome Kern and Oscar Hammerstein II Broadway hit that included, "The Song Is You."
are you serious? this was a great musical with wonderful dancing!! You will love this musical if you like the old style format.
Johnny Mercer wrote the music and lyrics to this 1951 hit starring Phil Silvers and Jack Albertson
Borrowing greatly from it's namesakes music, the story of George M. Cohen is told in a musical that would make him proud.
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