States with Best Weather
54 items ranked
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I hate the mudslides and that is it and the eathquakes been in one 3 times
I'm a native Californian and I want out of this cesspool as soon as possible. The politics are communistic and the morality is zero
best weather but worst taxes, cost of living is way high and politics here suck!
Southern California is like living in the movie "Groundhog Day"....oh look...another day with sun, no rain...and another...and another..." that gets OLD real fast!! And oh bout that smog!!
I lived in California for a little more than a year. Like most of the west, climate is dependent on elevation, and in California, the ocean. I lived just outside Phelan, CA. We had about a month of cold weather with lows 20s. Summer days were in the low to mid 90s and dry. Phelan claims to have a champagne climate and I would agree. The view of the mountains was fabulous and a ski resort was just a short drive up one of them. Plus it was possible to do a day trip to the ocean. Perfect.
Cool nights and warm mornings. Cali deserves to be at the top of the list!
born and raised in los gatos California, yes it is beautiful ! yes we have wonderful weather, however the quality of life depends on your bank account, extremely high cost of living !! Would love to stay forever just cant afford it anymore : (
its better than Hawaii because of the different seasons! who would just want one season? thats boring
I think California has the best, I've been here for my whole life
Rains for days on end in the winter and dry and brown in summer.

Florida has the best weather ever! It's always sunny and you are constantly surrounded by beautiful plants and birds. The air is humid but it smells good and there's a lot less allergens in the air. It is always kept from 70s to 90s year round with little variation. There is also thunderstorms which are very beneficial because it cools the air down and looks really cool too. The only thing to watch out for is hurricanes but those are rare and there is hurricane resistant buildings now as well as evacuation so your good for the most part. The beach is amazing and you can always have fun, theres Disney,Busch gardens, etc such an awesome place to live I wouldn't want to be anywhere else!🍸🍊🌴💖:-)
The lack of seasons and humid weather would be a deterrent and deciding factor for wanting four seasons. Even on days where it's cloudy it's still hot and humid and the sun isn't out. It'll rain constantly for several days but the temps and humidity get hotter when it stops and the sun is out. To get the best of both worlds is to live near a beach to get the breeze of the ocean. Also so many people that live here are always from somewhere else.
The weather is great most of the year. Mid to late May until early October is hot and humid (although later October can get dryer and less humid). Air quality is really good in this state. Winter is just wonderful! Mostly 60s and 70s with some lower 80s. Plus, winter is lot less humid, dry, and a lot less bugs flying around. Some time in Orlando area there is a rare cold snap that can dip at least 28F degrees to lower 30s at night, and get to the upper 40s,50s, or lower 60s during the same day due to a rare cold snap. Then a few days later it gets back normal to the 60s and 70s or even lower 80s. Strange bipolar weather. If you decide to move, welcome to Florida. Fun place to live. It does have its pros and cons so keep that in mind.
Fire ants, mosquitoes and humidity ruin the fun of enjoying the outdoors. It looks nice from the inside, but going outside is disappointing. Not as pleasant as one would hope.
Paradise on the Gulf of Mexico, the Keys, and St. Augustine. No good if you need your long, icy winters.
Durin' the Summer it rains and the sun shines constantly on and off other than that it's fine wheater. Oh yeah, Global Warmin' been makin' it really cold durin' winter lately **laughing**.

I like Colorado for it's cool nights and dry weather, but dislike it for how snowy winters can be. Torrential rainfall is not uncommon either
Colorado is nice, but too cold and icy in the winter months. The weather is very unpredictable. We can have all 4 seasons in one day. Spring is nice, last from mid-March to May, Summer lasts from June to August -September or so. Fall lasts from late September to ,maybe October, because it might snow in October. Winter lasts from November to mid- March and then in between all of that, it could snow in May, June, July or whenever, pretty much! Can't beat the mountains, the scenery, Summers are a dry heat, can get very hot, but not usually. Nice, until the ice and sometimes, the snow is unpleasant! It is ALWAYS beautiful though!ALWAYS! The Mountains are the best, either looking at them or if you're on Pikes Peak or any mountain area.
Colorado is a big state and varying degrees of climate. Use to live in a ski area and yes it can be winter for months on end. Moved to the western slope and it has the best climate in all of Colorado. We have less snow and cold than Denver plus you are very close to the mountains and canyon lands. The Grand Mesa is a wonderful place to play. It reminds me of northern Minnesota and Wisconsin.
I live here and if you like 8 months of winter then by all means live here!!! Summer is perfect but being cold 8 months sucks! It snows in May even June sometimes and then starts all over again in September...don't be fooled! Everything else is great except people not super friendly just luke warm...keep to themselves.
Colorado is the only state in the top 5 that has a very diverse, but still not extreme, climate! There is ALWAYS fun things to do no matter what season! The cost of living is mediant and the pay is above the federal average! The economy is booming and everyone there is VERY open minded!!! There could not be a more perfect place for a person that hates monotony!!!! THE LAND OF DIVERSITY!!!!!!!!

I love the location, the seasons and the landscape but jobs are scares, and taxes are ridiculously high along with the cost of living.
If you hate snow and walking on ice and cold or grey weather from Mid to Late November until early April. Then this place is not for you, just like the rest of depressing or gloomy north. Only from early to mid May until October the weather is hot and mild. I cannot wait to move south. Life is too short to be in prison in a dusty heating house for most of the year.
Connecticut has winters around 20s-30s, Summers that can be in the 90s, and the spring and fall are beautiful. Right between NYC and Boston, plus we have the World Champions at football.
the only real threat is a hurricane, though its been years since a major one hit. schools are often cancelled when they predict any snowfall except in the mountains. areas like Greensboro hardly see any severe weather
3 seasons of paradise. Winters can be intense. I moved there from Colorado...and stayed 44 years.
The job market could improve...but good workers to bring a business to.
38 inches of measurable rain in Seattle annually,about 120 days with sunshine, and not a lot of snow. However, very mild temperatures and low humidity, and SUPER EXPENSIVE. Lived on the west side for 42.5 years. Have recently moved to Spokane, 16 inches of annual rain. This summer has been hot as blazes, but low humidity. I'm told we have real winters here. A lot cheaper to live. A good mix of forest and open spaces. Will miss Mount Rainier views and easy access to salt water, but we have the river and are surrounded by mountains.
People get the west side of Washington and the whole state mixed up. Yes it rains a ton in Seattle. However, the rain shadow caused by the cascade mountains makes the east side of the state relatively dry. Central Washington is a desert, with some towns getting more than 300 sunny days a year. Spokane is in Eastern Washington. It has very warm summers(usually in the 80's and 90's) with warm nights and average snowfall in the winter.
If about 50 days of sunshine a year is enough, then you will love Seattle. There is a phenomenon called the Seattle Freeze. The name, unrelated to weather, came about from studies trying to explain why people are so unfriendly in Seattle. I would guess it is the gray, dank, overcast days for the majority of the year.
I grew up in Bellevue. Summers are bliss, warm days cool nights. July and August are best! It does rain alot, yet it is so beautiful there it will take your breath away!
Can only speak for west of the Cascades, i.e., Seattle/Tacoma. Summers absolutely perfect--17 hours daylight, cool, clear, sparse rain. Winters the opposite--17 hours dark, days permanently overcast, dismal, rains constantly, suicidally depressing. Spring/Fall somewhere in between. If you can winter somewhere else, it's not that bad. Otherwise it sucks.
Specific to West of the Cascades: the weather is actually pretty rotten. unless you hate the sun to the point that you wish to neither see it nor any blue in the sky for about 7 months out of the year.
Isn't Seattle the lightning capital of America city wise, I know Florida is state wise.

I loved Arizona. I lived in Northern AZ for 11 years. I loved that the weather is dry. I loved that we could escape whatever weather was happening. If it was too cold in the winter, we could head down to Phoenix. If it was hot, we could head for Flagstaff where summer temps are generally in the low 80s.
I went there in PHX. I know that there has very heat over 100's in summer. But I love AZ anyway.. there has very nice view and sunny. Awesome desert mountains! I can't believe it when we drove up to Flagstaff from Phx. there has green mountains because it is snow and high elevation, cooler. It is difference climate/weather between Flagstaff and Phx. Also Tucson. COOL!
WORSE WEATHER EVER 100+ STARTED IN APRIL THIS YEAR & IT"S 115 today in AUGUST...YUCK!! I lived in CA- great weather but Crowded, I lived in UT-no thanks & in NM Biggest Losers ever....So I would say CA is the best
Summer humidity is so intense that cool breezes feel like a damp gust from a sweaty armpit held in front of a powerful fan. It's horrible to endure the dry heat of the car, acclimatize to the AC when it finally starts blasting and then to reemerge into the intense wet heat.
Winter - I love it when it snows. It does so rarely. Two inches of snow will incite delays and closures and countless traffic incidents and emergencies. Two feet of snow means the highways become amateur demolition derby arenas and the stores are closed, gas stations are from Mad Max suddenly, and you understand why people were going absolutely manic at the grocery store two days ago.
I lived in Southern Va for ten years, Central Va for 2 years and Northern Va for 3 years. Virginia should at least be around 25 or 30. I went to Arizona in the summertime for three years running to escape Virginia's sweltering summer. A dry heat at 107 is incredibly bearable compared to a humid 89 degrees with hot breezes and an unforgiving sun. If you burn easily...
Summer is about 90 with 90% humidity. Fall and spring are lovely. Winter can either be mild or horrible! BUT winter isn't as long as NE. Normal winters can be just a dusting of snow to 1-2". In 2009 Dec. it was horrible 4' of snow, blizzards, one snow storm after another and VA is not prepared to handle such storms.
Seriously!? Michigan?! I'm going to quote another guest's comment because it is exactly what I would've written myself...
"If you love blizzards and frigid weather!! Also the desolation and unwelcome people, the Upper Peninsula is for you! I have lived here for 12 years and despise it, plus people have the worst language skills!!"
My family and I have been stuck in the U.P. for twelve and a half agonizingly long years. I'm this is the year of our great escape!
While the winters are brutal, the other seasons are great! You can get the warmer weather by driving south, and the cooler weather in the UP. Michigan has big cities, and plenty of isolation.
If you love blizzards and frigid weather!! Also the desolation and unwelcome people, the Upper Peninsula is for you! I have lived here for 12 years and despise it, plus people have the worst language skills!!
If you don't like winter at all, Michigan is definitely not for you, but if you enjoy experiencing four evenly distributed seasons, then this is the place to be. Fall is especially divine!
Michigan is one of those states that you can experience all four seasons in just one day. Michigan has a BEAUTIFUL fall season. Winters are cold and dry, springs are warm and rainy, summers are warm/hot and humid. It really is a great state if you don't mind the unpredictable changes in weather. One day it could be 30 degrees and snowing and the next day could be 50 degrees and sunny.
WOW! How does Michigan rank this high and how does it rank above SC? I lived in MI for 43 years. There are about 10-20 beautiful days per year and the rest of the year the weather is terrible. The winters are brutal. I have lived in SC for 3 years. There are some wicked strong storms here, but plenty of incredible weather pretty much all year 'round.

As someone who lives in Kansas, I find Missouri to be less hot, but more humid in the summer. Flooding and tornadoes are still a concern during the spring.
We moved to Missouri from upstate NY and we have lived here for almost 3 years now. Compared to NY weather, we absolutely love MO! Summer it can get pretty hot but winter isn't so bad!
The weather is not perfect with summers that can be hot and humid, and cold winters with snow and ice. Hey, it's the Midwest. But Missouri makes up for its weather in natural beauty.
The weather is very unpredictable, but I love change! The seasons are just beautiful, all of them!
It some states like Hawaii there is only summer. In Alaska It's always winter. Missouri has all 4 seasons and a beautiful autumn.
I don't get how Kansas is #3 and Missouri is #44 they are right next to each other and they get the 100% same weather. It makes no sence. But Missouri is the best!
Here in Missouri it's great because we don't like Alaska only get winter or Texas, can't cool down but just right, in the middle.
Spring and Fall are okay, but it is cold and brutal in the winter, and nasty and terribly humid in the summer! Not the best place to live.
Not bad in spring and fall but hell in the summer and nasty during the windter!

I love there! because of Amazing weather. I was there last May and it has nothing hot or cold. Just nice climate! Dry/low humidity. Some moist but not a lot. But I went up moutains oh my gosh there very cold and breeze.. air thin that i cant breath! ABQ is best ever!
Went with a friend to NM for a summer (Aug) horse show...could'nt believe it, it was very pleasant in ABQ in heat of summer, and the nights cool off too. Winter can be mild or real cold, but tends to be more mild as a rule. Love that the sun shines all year. Was told by many there that their weather is perfect!!!
Lived here for over 12 yrs. Most beautiful state! You get all four seasons, it doesn't rain as much as people say. Not as much as WA at least lol. I live in the Columbia Gorge and seriously, you never know what kind of weather you'll get next week. Love it here!!
I was born and raised in western Oregon and it rains and is gray from October thru May. I moved to Texas 20 years ago and thought I moved to heaven. Love the weather here.
I've lived in Texas all my life, the only benefit of living here is its cheap and good jobs, other than that, do not come here, summers are humid as hell and hot and winters are hot too. The weather keeps changing constantly, so unpredictable
I've lived in Houston, Texas for 50 years. The weather here is hot, hotter, and OMG my hair is on fire!! The high humidity makes the air hot and hard to breath. It feels like 120 in August. Hurricanes too and bad flooding.
Austin sucks to many rude people bad drivers to much traffic cost of living to high pay low hot humid roads bad rent high
Yeah I live here in West Texas in the Permian Basin. It is awful! Looking for four seasons not just two. It's s joke amongst those of us who live here that we get 2 weeks of spring and two weeks of fall. The rest of the time it is too hot or too cold. Oh yes we get below freezing in the winter. And over 100 in the summer. So if you Hate spring and fall this is the place for you!!!
Summers are over the top hot but beats New England Winters. Nine months out of the year are tolerable in Austin.
HOT HOT HOT don't like this state at all !!! Not recomend lots of huricans tunders if you like seat in the house all year long you will love this state!!!
It's too hot from April - October to even step outside. Then it's too cold the rest of the time to do anything. Worst state for weather. We are on water restrictions bc of no rain, all plants and grass are dead.
Gulf Coast is HOT in the summer; winter's mild, only last about a month, not really cold. Spring and fall beautiful. Inland, any climate you want. Ignore the current drought/wildfires--they're a rare phenomenon. Outside Houston pollution no problem. Check out the Hill Country for the best of scenery and climate.
Nice and hot durin' spring, good swimmin' wheather durin' Summer, cold enough and little enugh pollution to turn the color of the leaves on a tree, and not super cold durin' winter. Also, it rains enough so you don't need rain on your plants but doesn't rain to much.

Georgia is beautiful! you have the Red Georgia clay that sticks to everything and is very very hard to get off.Don't worry it is not all over the roads or side walks! it is mostly in big open fields or construction sights. Very strict with the laws! cops don't let anyone go! many many veterans and active military in court for simple things such as speeding tickets, suspended license, running red lights, ect ( small things). went on a vacation and went to court because my cousin had a speeding ticket an couldn't believe how many military people were in court for such little things! like going 5 over the speed limit. weather was beautiful when we went in August
Wonderful spring and fall with a mostly mild winter and a hot, humid summer.
I have lived in Georgia most of my adult life and our state only has one season HOT and HUMID
If you enjoy being in a sauna and covered by gnats and mosquitoes then Georgia is the place for you
Even in North Georgia mountains it rarely snows and it's just as humid and muggy as South Georgia where I live
It's air you can wear pretty much 365 days a year
I love pretty much every single aspect of Georgia, sans the climate. Christmas the last 2 years has been in the mid to high 70s and I live in North GA. Summers are becoming unbearable,with no break from late May (or earlier) to October. We might get 1 or 2 snows a year, and by snow I mean an inch or 2 tops. Usually when they call for snow, we instead get ice.
If you love hot and humid weather then this is the place for you.

Maryland has all 4 seasons. Sometimes the seasons like to stick around in months they don't belong. For instance I was swimming in the Atlantic ocean October 1 because it was hot as hell. 2 weeks later it's snowing. Summer is usually 85 average
Gets a bit humid in the summer but the winters are very mild (take it from someone who knows...lived in the Chicago area my whole life and the winters are really easy compared to there.) 8-9 months of the year are pretty great if you want 4 seasons but not too bad of a winter.
Winter: have your window open and see the sun. Now try walking out there. Feel the coldness. Suns out but its a nice cold sometime and sometimes freezing
Las Vegas is where i lived. If your not use to no grass and sun everyday also dry heat sometimes not the place.
Rain: its like coming once in a life time. that's what it feels like. my aunt use to seat in the rain rocking and with her beer in her hand. because it didn't rain often.
Nevada has wonderful weather but in summer very hot. However, during night heat down warm/cool. I went there in summer but i dont know about a year how weather is. I heard people said that very nice winter is mild....I can feel that... There has LOW humidity and dry that I love. I can tell you I hate high humidity where I use to live..I really want to move to west where desert is like
AZ, NV and NM. These states are best...
Great farmers market and healthcare systems. Cost of living is cheaper. Lots of free family friendly activities. Cleveland is pretty cool to visit.
all 4 seasons
(sometimes in 1 day). Winters can be brutal icy snowy slushy cold but you get in some sunny days and warm days. Summers can be hot but you get good thunderstorms. If you know how to enjoy each season it adds for a variety of activities! Great park systems! Spring and fall are great for hiking, fall apple and pumpkin picking bonfires summer is good for swimming camping gardening and ice cream, winter is fun for sledding ice skating skiing. lots of rivers if you like canoe or kayaking and the lake is great if you don't want to drive 10 hours to the ocean.
Every and snow one day.50-60 degrees next day. Hot summers, droughts.pleasant Spring and Fall.Rain often except during growing season.Frustrating!
I live in Kansas, but I don't understand why it's so high on the list. Winters aren't horrible, but summers are either extremely hot, or very rainy and stormy with humid weather the next day. I am proud of my state, but not it's weather.
I have lived in Kansas all my life and love the state. In Kansas no worry about hurricanes, earthquakes, flooding.
I have lived in KS for the last 12 years, after being born and raised 37 years in all parts of CA, and KS weather SUCKS! You have extreme weather - in the winter its ungodly cold, snowy, freezing rain and windy; in the summer its ungodly hot, humid, and windy. There are very few "open the window" days. I believe CA has the best weather in the country but it is almost impossible for most people to afford to live there. I am now looking to relocate to another state without such extreme conditions.
Go figure why Kansas rated this high. I lived in Lawrence for seven years. One year it snowed around Halloween and was -17 later that winter. Summers were typically hot--over 100 sometimes, and could be humid. Like the rest of the Midwest, there is always the possibility of a tornado. One hit about a mile from our house and messed up several apartment buildings. On the plus side, Lawrence is a pretty place with quite a bit to do and overall the people are friendly.

I have lived in south ms most of my life,Vancleave,dibervile, it seems all the same knats,misquotes are your trouble,the humidity I'd killer rains most of 2 months to summer and hurricanes are trouble for tourists cause they don't know how to handle them or people who lived here think they can outdo them ,I recently moved further north of the water to stone county ,I like it better here but heat is still a problem . mosquitoes are still prevalent too.Im still looking for a cooler but stable climate to live and work
Can't step outside without being coated in bugspray because gnats & mosquitos will eat u alive. They love to hover in your face. It's so hot & humid!! I've lived here in south Ms all of my life. Your either worried by bugs or the heat & humidity or afraid a hurricane will decide to blow you away. Or an off chance that a tornado will develope with one of our many thunderstorms that happen everyday in th spring ,summer & fall. August is the hottest month if u ask me. that's also when school starts back. Poor kids endure buses with no a/c. Band kids &athletes practice in this mess. My kids come home so hot & physically drained. I love my small town life where I can walk to the grocery store, pharmacy, Dollar store, bank & school. Everyone's nice here in my town. Everyone knows everyone. If I could uproot it & move it to a cooler climate I'd be tickled pink!! So anyone who loves the things I was negative about come on & enjoy our lil Mayberry kind of town.(Seminary)Lol!!
If this is climate change it's time to get out of dodge, winter can suck even when it's a mild one, April 16th snow, ice, rain and howling winds. If winter makes you happy here ya go, yes fall is beautiful and summer can be hot and humid, we have no spring, snow bird if you can.
All in all, I'm ready to move.
Amen to that
I live in Georgia the heat humidity and insects are awful and I would love to move north
Absolutely....and I love the fact we can get to the mountains, the beaches, the city, farmland...all within twenty/forty minutes depending on where you Boston is 45 mins away and NYC 3 hours...we are definitely underrated as far as the states go....but maybe that's a good thing...don't wanna get
Rhode island deserves more credit. Never as hot or as cold as neighboring areas, lacking much hurricane frequency, scarce tornadoes and floods, and minimal earthquake risk. Half the days are sunny and the others may have a passing shower. You're pretty safe here. Just don't be stupid!
Idaho can be variable as different years mean different weather. Summer means dry heat in 90's winter means temps in the 20's dry snow that drifts into tall fluffs with breaks in between for about a month with spring and fall that just rains. Can have wet years or long months without rain. Consider this: Idaho grows lots of crops and people usually have a garden. Idaho panhandle means colder winters but less bugs. Love those rolling hills. Really miss it there.
Illinois does get all four seasons, so that by itself makes it beautiful, but it does have other problems, like tornados in several areas. It can be hot and humid in the summer, and then in the winter have freezing cold and ice and even a snow buzzard with whiteout conditions. It also has high taxes.
I live in southern illinois and sucks, gray skies all winter, and freezing cold we had several days -20's out this winter and over 2 weeks of 100+ last summer
If you love the outdoors (hunting, fishing, snow activities, etc.) you are in HEAVEN! If you don't, you're in HELL! The views are the best in the world...go see the rest of the world, then Alaska. If you see it first you'll be disappointed in everything else!
Best schools in the country. Pretty nice summers only beat out by beautiful fall weather and foliage. Winters can suck . Some years but that skiing is for, 30 minutes to 2 hours away. Same for lakes and ocean. Boston has it all too.
Born In New York LIC Queens- across East river from Manhattan. Hipsters and Millenials ruined my neighborhood.$2,200 For Studio,$3,300 for 1 BR. $4,200 for 2 BR, $5,100 for 3 BR. Manhattan & Brooklyn very similar, Many tourists lost and looking for directions. Many Illegal Immigrants here. Many people don't speak English. 50 kids to a Public School classroom. Subways falling apart and way overcrowded. Constant Construction without planning for all the High end apts they expect means more crowding. Retail stores minimal due to high rents. Homeless on trains and streets. Winters FREEZING with wind chill sometimes under 0 degrees. Summers Hot & Humid with rain lately every other day. I want to leave when my wife retires. HUMIDITY is TERRIBLE. Taxes here are one of worst in country. A Sanctuary City for Illegal Immigrants thanks to Socialist/Communist Mayor DeBlasio. Much Corruption starting with Gov. Cuomo. Not much to like. Poor and middle class hope not to be gentrified out of their neighborhood. All Luxury Development skyscrapers being built. Horrible place to live.
Upstate NY is great with a lot of snow in winter and mild summers. The Fall color can rival New England's some years and the area gets ample precipitation so it is very green in the summer/spring.
The area is relatively cloudy which is a plus for me. Some of the best areas in NY for weather IMO are Plattsburgh, Syracuse, Buffalo, and Oswego.
The state is gorgeous; don't let the city define the entire state.
Born and raised on Long Island, went to school in Albany, came home and now I'm looking for somewhere new to live. However, I'm finding it difficult to get the awesome seasons and weather that we have here. Yes, in the winter we get snow & in the summer we get some hot and humid temps but only in July. Snow lasts from between dec-feb solidly. Though, I live mid-island and we are equally close to both the wineries out east in the Hamptons and NYC. We also have Beaches on 2 sides and many really cute towns. We are also about 2 hours from the mountains if you are into winter sports like skiing. Spring is short maybe a few weeks but fall is beautiful and there are a lot of fun activities and farms out east.
The problem here is how expensive it is. 200k-250k can get you a decent house you still have to work on if you like updates. Finding jobs is also difficult. It's also expensive to commute if you're thinking about working in the city and living on the island- it's like $400 a month to take the train and hours of sitting in rush hour traffic if you drive.
However, if a commute is not your issue than I'd suggest check out Suffolk County. We are more suburban and laid back, we have really nice Main Streets in almost every town and good schools. We also have fun festivals for each season and lots to do. We have a few breweries and we are close to sports arenas (major league soccer, football, baseball, hockey).
Winter is tough. Summer is Great. It is hot and humid but I love that compared to brutal winter weather. You can boat in many lakes there are alot of bodies of water. we border two great lakes (Ontario and Erie.) The finger lakes are beautiful. The St. Lawrence river is Beautiful.
Bad: Taxes, Politics, Regulations... All that Bull**** that comes with living on nice land with the biggest city in the world... Im From Syracuse
Lived in New York for 11 years, buffalo to be exact. WINTER SUCKS! Winter lasts from late september to late march! it is bad and humid mostly
Have to like the 4 seasons! As soon as you wish for the next one it's over and a new one starts ! love them!

No way!! If you like the kind of chill that gets so deep in your bones you have to stand in front of an open oven door to thaw its perfect. Fall is perfection. Spring is also but so short then the pressing humidity of summer saps all energy. Tornado weather is always looming.
Spring and Fall are beautiful times of the year. Actually, Fall could last an extra month and it would be perfect. Summer is short, so people make the most of the good weather while it's there. WI has a lot of lakes, so boating/water sports are plentiful.August is humid, by northern standards! Winter is great, if you love snow sports and thrive in a cooler climate.
Depends on where you live in NJ. We could have no snow down here by Atlantic City, and Philadelphia and/or NYC could get 8". The more southeastern you are located in the state, the better the weather is. It's also the least populated area of the state. The closer you get to the ocean, the more stable the temperatures are (cooler in summer, warmer in winter). We could have a 60 degree day in January down here by the ocean.
"If you don't like the weather here in OK, just wait a day." Really the weather is too crazy here. Sunny 70s one week and snow the next. Some blame it on the winds, "Texas sucks and Kansas blows".. Stupid Little joke. We have 4 seasons but spring and fall are short (blink and you'll miss those 2). The snow here sucks, it's more like slush. Okies can't drive in it and school gets closed for 1" of snow. Lol
All four seasons in this beautiful place. Winters have snow and you can a white Christmas! Springs are in the 60s and sun shines at least ten days in the spring months. Summers are in the 70s which isn't too hot or too cold. Autumns? Well Vermont his know for it's colorful foliage of leaves, and also known for the great maple syrup.
If your looking for all four seasons in a perfect location and with perfect temperatures for each season them vote Vermont!
I lived in Stone county Arkansas and Big Flat Arkansas for 2 years, and in that time of living there, I thought it was Fabulous! You get all four seasons and the best of all 4 seasons as well. If you like Nature and beauty, it's the place for you! If you can't stand Heights then, not the place for you as it has a lot of mountain sides and driving on them and long falling cliffs, if not careful! It's perfect for every season and the winters are great and perfect to snuggle up in next to a roaring fire. Summers aren't that hot but can some days! Fall and spring are just so excellent as well with lots and lots of beautiful scenery! The only down side, is your ears popping a lot, but if you can handle your ears popping from flying than Arkansas is the place for you! I live in Iowa and it totally sucks! Places I have lived in are, Texas, where I am originally from, Arkansas, Arizona, Iowa, Minnesota! Places I have visited are Tennessee, and Illinois, Washington! The only ones I have seemed to have enjoyed the most was Arkansas and Texas! P.S. Beauty is everywhere, some places better than others, depending on where you move too there. Just don't move to large cities, that's where you will find more crime and not so much beauty!
Southern indiana has strange weather. A beautiful place along the ohio river but the weather changes often. Ine day snowing .next day 65. Definitely all 4 seasons.. humid can get high in summer well. Normal July-aug weather 90s
Southern Indiana has a very American south climate. Four seasons, but moderate winters with little snow and early springs. Pretty nice climate, but the summer can be humid, oppressive, and seemingly endless. We've lived in Florida, NJ, Atlanta, Memphis, Cincinnati, Orlando, Sarasota, and the mountains of WV...and Southern Indiana climate is decent...only behind the Gulf Coast.
I lived there and was convinced it was The Rainforest. I would lie in bed and listen to the rain on the roof, drip drip drip. I returned to Arizona a year later. My horses thanked me, as they no longer were getting eaten alive by biting insects. The dampness there was hard to take.
Kentucky is a nice state just really a lot of poverty...Not many good jobs..Unless you're old and retired or unless u want to be a drug dealer forget living in kentucky...Otherwise u will lead a medicore lifestyle because u can't afford to do much else...
In my humble opinion Kentucky has literally the worst weather in the western hemisphere and civilized world. You never get a happy medium of anything here. It's either too hot or too cold or too much rain not enough rain no snow or completely dumped on and major crippling ice storms. It rains constantly you may get a period of decent weather here in there in the fall but it's more the exception than the rule. The springs completely suck. It rains constantly to the point where you think your house is going to uproot itself and float away. If I could approve everything that I haven't moved to Florida right now I would do it in a heartbeat. I have lived here for over 25 years and absolutely T totally hate it! My advice to anyone even thinking about moving here is to do an about-face and run from this date for your fucking life!
I have lived in Minnesota for 60 years. Spring summer and fall have beautiful weather. Winter is a problem because there seems to be so much ice and sleet. The highways were built 50 years ago. Not made for the number of cars that are currently on the road. Add ice and sleet, driving becomes exceedingly dangerous. Sidewalks and parking lots icy as well. Often too cold for chemicals to melt the ice.
Beautiful place to be 7 months out of the year. Expect high taxes, excellent education and job opportunities, as well as variety of entertainment choices.
I have lived in Minnesota my whole life and I love it. I'm terrified of storms and I have never gone through one tornado. There was one time we created a mini tornado on our deck and we have had a tornado almost touch but it never did. If you like skiing this is the place for you!!
Minnesota has a lot of nice qualities....unfortunately, a mild climate isn't one of them and overides most of the good things. If you're ok with enjoying life outside of your home for 3 or 4 months a year, and staying inside the other 8 or 9 months, this is the place for you ! Summer is pleasant (other than the bugs), but very short ! Winter is very long and brutal !
Too many of those big flying Palmetto bugs...they are huge waterbugs that fly and they aim right for you!
PR has nice weather and of course no snow. It is hot and high humidity far away from beaches and mountains during summer. Around beaches there has a lot of breeze to beat high humidity and inland mountains are cool and warm. I tell you I am from there. During Winter amazing warm low humidity breezy. Take breath on beach Aaaah!
North Dakota is fairly dry, but it gets hot in the summer and way too cold in the winter for me to want to live there.
North Dakota has a good economy though the summers are warm, and lately the winters haven't been too bad
There not as much natural beauty as people think it's just a giant ugly forest.
Vermont weather is miserable 8 months a year. As well as the fact that if you live in Vermont like me you can't enjoy the show because you work the snow only gets in your way unless your snowshoing. In the winter you Don't see the sun in the sky for months. Don't be fooled by the photographs it's not nice weather here.
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