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Most Overrated Celebrities

51 items ranked

Most celebrities are highly overrated but these are some that I think are way over the top.

Rated 7 points - posted 11 years ago by Megengel in category People.
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Oprah Winfrey Report Abuse
She knows how to push just about anybody or anything. In fact, she's just a hyped-up salesperson. I have no idea what her actual morals or beliefs are because she's such a facadist. People believe anything she says, and why, I can't for the life of me understand.
214 points - added 11 years ago by Megengel -


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Kim Kardashian Report Abuse
What does she actually do? Apparently having fake balloon ****, wearing pancake makeup and acting like a mindless ***** makes someone worth being celebrated in our sick society.
177 points - added 11 years ago by Megengel -


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Will Smith Report Abuse
Annoying face, totally full of himself, nothing special as an actor.
168 points - added 11 years ago by Megengel -


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Matt Damon Report Abuse
He can act, but he isn't nearly as spectacular as some people make him out to be. My main issue is with his overrated looks. Ok, what celebrity isn't overrated for their looks? But Matt's face actually really bugs me. He has giant horse teeth and he looks as though he's walked head-on into a brick wall.
166 points - added 11 years ago by Megengel -


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George Clooney Report Abuse
He really isn't versatile as an actor and seems to be completely head-over-heels in love with himself. He's got some good looks (overrated albeit) but appears rather stiff and smug most of the time.
162 points - added 11 years ago by Megengel -


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Eminem Report Abuse
What an absolute douche.
126 points - added 11 years ago by Megengel -


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Gwyneth Paltrow Report Abuse
I don't get it. At all. Nothing remarkable. She reminds me of a scarecrow, both in looks and personality.
124 points - added 11 years ago by Megengel -


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Madonna Report Abuse
Almost as scary as Angelina Jolie, but at least she isn't afraid to show her true colours. Her voice is ok but her personality is really sketchy. I know there are a lot of sketchy people out there but some actually look up to her as a role model, which baffles me.
124 points - added 11 years ago by Megengel -


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Johnny Depp Report Abuse
His love affair with eccentric character roles was ok at first because it made him seem like an actor who was willing to broaden his horizons, but it has gotten old. He's actually a bit boring, even when playing a nutbar. Although I suppose that's better than his role in the stupid Pirates movies. His looks are overrated too. Good looking? Sure. But in no way is he the sexiest man alive.
114 points - added 11 years ago by Megengel -


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Leonardo DiCaprio Report Abuse
He always plays the same type of role and lacks a strong presence. Never understood the hype around this guy.
108 points - added 11 years ago by Megengel -


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Cameron Diaz Report Abuse
She never was a very convincing actress. She is fug without all that makeup, and she has a very irritating valley girl quality to her voice. The huge ego doesn't help either. And she should probably stop trying to convince everyone that she's smart, because she really is a dumbass.
101 points - added 11 years ago by Megengel -


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Katy Perry Report Abuse
I am amazed at how many people can like such a sleazy, arrogant, talentless and downright nasty looking woman.
99 points - added 11 years ago by Megengel -


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Justin Beiber Report Abuse
Just another mediocre boy singer who will be thankfully out of sight once his voice is fully emasculated.
85 points - added 11 years ago by Megengel -


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Charlize Theron Report Abuse
She's admired for her looks and her acting ability. As far as acting goes, I can somewhat understand, because she is pretty versatile (can play a good guy, a bad guy, a crazy person, etc., pretty convincingly). But her looks are way overrated. She's cute and has a statuesque figure, but doesn't possess the knockout looks that the media falsely pushes.
83 points - added 11 years ago by Megengel -


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Jessica Alba Report Abuse
Abysmal acting abilities and ****ty personality. An oblivious bubblehead. She could be classified as "cute" or "pretty" but is nowhere near the beauty queen people make her out to be.
75 points - added 11 years ago by Megengel -


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Jennifer Lopez Report Abuse
She's mean-spirited and not particularly talented in acting or singing. Her looks are decent but nothing special. She, like most actresses, acts like a spoiled brat and the media accepts this and even encourages it. Disgusting.
70 points - added 11 years ago by Megengel -


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Jennifer Connelly Report Abuse
Just another example of how it really doesn't take much to be a celebrity.
63 points - added 11 years ago by Megengel -


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Liv Tyler Report Abuse
She resembles her father too much and the only thing she knows how to do in film roles is cry. In fact, she often looks like she's about to cry, even when she isn't. Her teeth are too big for her already-oversized mouth, and she sometimes appears to have a twinge of down's syndrome. She's rather dry as an actress. Her appearance is interesting, and she has some degree of unconventional beauty, which makes her somewhat memorable, but that's about as far as it goes.
56 points - added 11 years ago by Megengel -


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Adriana Lima Report Abuse
Nice figure, cool eyes, but the horse teeth, weak chin and snub nose are nothing to write home about. Not to mention she's an idiot. Models are known for being dumb, but I've seen a few interviews with her and she may as well be crapping out of her mouth.
56 points - added 11 years ago by Megengel -


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Scarlett Johansson Report Abuse
Here we have another one who is celebrated for the contents of her bra. I assume it's her looks that are prized since you don't hear much about her actual abilities as a person. But considering her face resembles a toddler with a bad cold, the only thing left is her figure. Sad.
53 points - added 11 years ago by Megengel -


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Angelina Jolie Report Abuse
A convincing liar, and not so much an actress. Her so-called humanitarianism is to win media attention and her children are paraded around like accessories. She has gotten way too many plastic surgeries and is unwilling to be truthful even about that. I'm not sure whether she's just an extremely insecure narcissist or a downright psychopath but either way she is frightening.
50 points - added 11 years ago by Megengel -


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Halle Berry Report Abuse
I don't understand the appeal. Take a decent-looking woman with some acting ability and all of the sudden she's getting superhuman status, when in fact she is JUST a decent-looking (nothing exceptional) woman with decent acting ability (again, nothing exceptional). The funny thing is that when people point things out like this, several mindless idiots flood them with negative comments ("you're just jealous" or "stop being such a hater", and other brilliant remarks). This is not about jealousy. As for hate, there are a few exceptions. I do hate Angelina Jolie because I think she is evil. Some of us are intelligent enough to recognize the bull**** that the media pumps out and can see through the lies. That's it.
48 points - added 11 years ago by Megengel -


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Salman Khan Report Abuse
40 points - added 10 years ago by guest -


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John Lennon Report Abuse
He was a hypocrite who supported all the things he preached against in his songs. His voice was unique and kind of appealing in its thin, stringy way, but that's about it. He could write music but it's not nearly as deep and profound as people make it out to be. Drug-induced would be more appropriate. The fans made the music deep by overanalyzing it and somehow he is now a legend.
31 points - added 11 years ago by Megengel - 1 comment
Added 10 years ago by humpy, 9 points Vote + to improve this comment's ranking Vote - to decrease this comment's ranking


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Christina Ricci Report Abuse
Creepy and unpleasant. If aliens exist, i hope they are not like her.
25 points - added 11 years ago by Megengel -


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Kristen Stewart Report Abuse
Mediocre in every sense of the word.
18 points - added 11 years ago by Megengel -


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Dakota Fanning Report Abuse
Everything from her annoying name to her obnoxious bug-eyed alien mug is unpleasant. Her voice is icky and everything she says is irritating.
17 points - added 11 years ago by Megengel -


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Kate Hudson Report Abuse
Outwardly, there is nothing special going on with this woman. She, like many others, is famous due to nepotism and nothing more (her mom's acting ability and looks were overrated too but at least she has a sense of humor).
15 points - added 11 years ago by Megengel -


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Drew Barrymore Report Abuse
What a naggy, nasal voice she has, along with laughable acting abilities and a rather pasty face. She can look pretty good but more often this is because of good lighting, makeup and photoshop (sounds like a lot of celebrities). In the '90s she was excessively obnoxious and desperate for attention. Couldn't stand her then, can't stand her now.
15 points - added 11 years ago by Megengel -


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Britney Spears and the like Report Abuse
There are so many of these types that I just can't be bothered to name them all. Back when Milli Vanilli was caught lip-syncing they were pretty much done. Now it seems to be the norm to be fake and ****ty. Most modern pop singers sound almost exactly alike with generic, forgettable songs. they seem more interested in selling themselves than their music, and who would want to buy all that garbage?
15 points - added 11 years ago by Megengel -


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Jessica Biel Report Abuse
She can only sort of act, and her general presence is rather weak. What was once a pretty but unremarkable face has turned into a plastic surgery faux pas.
11 points - added 11 years ago by Megengel -


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Orlando Bloom Report Abuse
He (and his fans) seem to think he's god or something. His looks are good but not interesting or exceptional. Maybe that's why he can't even make his boring pretty boy roles stand out.
11 points - added 11 years ago by Megengel -


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Taylor Lautner Report Abuse
He's in a stupid vampire series, which is overrated enough in itself. He has good muscle tone but that shouldn't make up for the fact that he otherwise seems like a meathead.
11 points - added 11 years ago by Megengel -


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Amanda Seyfried Report Abuse
She really shouldn't open her mouth because anything that comes out of it is idiotic. Can she even act? Doubtful. Just another dumb puppet blond willing to take her clothes off in front of a camera. Also, her bugged-out eyes and huge forehead are nasty.
10 points - added 11 years ago by Megengel -


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Kate Winslet Report Abuse
One of the worst. She's more interested in posing for full frontal nudity shots than doing any real acting. And she's hideous. Even with all the makeup, she resembles a drag queen.
9 points - added 11 years ago by Megengel -


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Marilyn Monroe Report Abuse
Substandard acting ability, mediocre looks and a narcissistic personality. I think she remains famous because of her death more than her life.
8 points - added 11 years ago by Megengel -


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Aishwarya Rai Report Abuse
Granted, she is beautiful but she is a total airhead and talks about her plastic surgeries more nonchalantly than she talks about what she eats for breakfast. What makes me sad is that women acting like total bimbos is often acceptable or encouraged. Another point is this: how beautiful is a person who seems hollow inside? Add to this the fact that she has undergone a lot of plastic surgery, and you have to wonder how much of her beauty is real? And why do we admire false beauty in the first place?
6 points - added 11 years ago by Megengel -


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Hilary Duff Report Abuse
Her music is abysmal, her acting skills are worse than bad, and her looks are cookie cutter generic. Maybe she has a fantastic personality but we should all know by now that being a nice person isn't a prerequisite for celebrity status.
4 points - added 11 years ago by Megengel -


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Lindsay Lohan Report Abuse
No talent, blah looks, narcissistic personality, and an unhealthy obsession with sex and drugs.
4 points - added 11 years ago by Megengel -


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Justin Timberlake Report Abuse
He's boring. That's about it.
4 points - added 11 years ago by Megengel -


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Lily Cole Report Abuse
I am very much looking forward to the day when alien-headed models are no longer popular.
3 points - added 11 years ago by Megengel -


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Judy Garland Report Abuse
I might get grilled for this one but I always though her singing voice sounded like what a cow might sound like when in labour. Not so nice. And her face bugs me too, all puggy and weird. Not that that should matter since she was a singer after all, but really, ewww.
3 points - added 11 years ago by Megengel -


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Megan Fox Report Abuse
Almost as smug as Angelina Jolie and just as many plastic surgeries. Why acting and physical appearance are so highly regarded in society is a mystery to me in the first place, but then you get people like Megan whose physical appearance is fake and her acting abilities are embarrassing, and it really makes you wonder.
3 points - added 11 years ago by Megengel -


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Nicolas Cage Report Abuse
He looks and acts like a vacant dolt. Any character he plays is lost under that thick, annoying Nicolas Cage presence.
2 points - added 11 years ago by Megengel -


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Brad Pitt Report Abuse
Squinty-eyed, smarmy git. He is an attention ***** and his acting abilities are topped by kids at our local little theatre.
1 point - added 11 years ago by Megengel -


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Keira Knightley Report Abuse
This scrawny, self-righteous little wench has a bad case of princess syndrome and needs to be knocked off that pedestal she's placed herself on. She really has allowed fame to swell her ego to epic proportions. Why she's famous in the first place is beyond me. I guess a bit (or in her case a lot) of bra padding and plastic, along with a huge shot of arrogance are the necessary ingredients for hollywood stardom?
-5 points - added 11 years ago by Megengel -


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Paul McCartney Report Abuse
The guy is a total douche and can't even write decent music. He just stole the spotlight from more talented but less in-your-face band members because he's an attention *****. He looks inbred so I never understood the whole physical attraction factor either. Proof that fame distorts the human mind. Admittedly, he is a good singer, but not the hugely talented musical god that people make him out to be.
-8 points - added 11 years ago by Megengel - 1 comment
Added 10 years ago by humpy, 12 points Vote + to improve this comment's ranking Vote - to decrease this comment's ranking


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Prince Report Abuse
He's been ranked as one of the most talented musicians, one of the sexiest musicians, etc. he has some talent, albeit not my style at all. But MOST talented is an overstatement. As far as being sexy, I think people who think that are either physically blind or blinded by media hype. I know sexiness in some is more about demeanor than looks, but he seems like a creepy, self-absorbed git and that kind of demeanor isn't attractive to me at all.
-10 points - added 11 years ago by Megengel - 1 comment
he was great
Added 6 years ago by redbarron80, 7 points Vote + to improve this comment's ranking Vote - to decrease this comment's ranking


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Eva Green Report Abuse
With all that heavy black eye makeup, she looks more like a boxer than anything. Every time I've seen her she's been decked out in something that makes her look extremely cheap and trashy. I have no idea if she has any talent as an actress, and I find her so offensive to look at that I won't likely ever find out.
-16 points - added 11 years ago by Megengel - 1 comment
Added 10 years ago by humpy, 14 points Vote + to improve this comment's ranking Vote - to decrease this comment's ranking


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Russell Crowe Report Abuse
I can't understand what the purpose of this guy is. But whatever it is, it certainly isn't anything to do with acting. He has no real presence, much like most contemporary film stars. I've heard women talk about him like he's a total dream...once again, fame has blinded people.
-19 points - added 11 years ago by Megengel - 1 comment
Added 10 years ago by humpy, 14 points Vote + to improve this comment's ranking Vote - to decrease this comment's ranking


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Kevin Costner Report Abuse
Never liked him. He just seems like a machismo jerk and it carries through to his roles. His face looks rather unkind, especially his eyes, which are beady and mean-looking.
-29 points - added 11 years ago by Megengel - 1 comment
Added 10 years ago by humpy, 17 points Vote + to improve this comment's ranking Vote - to decrease this comment's ranking
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