20 Best Low Carb Diets
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The best diets used to lose weight through watching your carbohydrate intake.
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This diet focuses on eating foods low on the glycemic index. With a low number of carbohydrates in your diet, you'll lose weight fast and still remain sated.
The Earth Diet is a type of low carb plan that requires you to eat only foods that can be derived from the earth. Examples include nuts, seeds, fruits, vegetables and meats.
The Zone Diet promotes a balanced diet by getting the majority of your calories from an equal amount of protein, carbohydrates and fat. The diet is meant to control hunger cravings as you lose weight.
The Atkins Diet features three phases that dieters must follow in order to eliminate and then reintroduce carbohydrates back into their diet. The first phase promotes quick weight loss due to extreme carbohydrate restriction.
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