PURE is a paranormal investigation team based out of Colorado Springs, CO and is a group of individuals who is dedicated to finding the truth behind the paranormal and unknown. Our core mission is help, educate and learn.
27 hrs ago,I arrived home after the most incredible night as a student in PUREparanormal's Ghoul School. During the previous 11 hrs, I felt a strong sense of safety, intent with a purpose,calm professionalism, profound bank of knowledge surrounded by those in love with cameras, microphones, radios as well as a plefora of other technological equipment that held this RN in amazment. My greatest impression of the entire experience? The solid forward path PURE paves and follows in exploration and development of this new scientific frontier .... the best!
Let me conclude this by saying that I am very thankful to the founders of G.P.S. and to their members for being so professional and acting accordingly to this situation. PURE and GPS are now in the works of both our teams coming together and working side by side to further the science of what we do to aid the public and the paranormal scientific community. This allows our two teams to share with one another our findings and to build a stronger foundation for both paranormal groups. We look forward to this lasting friendship and hope that other groups will follow and do the same. This is not a competition, we are pioneers in this scientific field and we can only get to our ending goal together, not working against each other. We encourage not only groups on this list, but every group out there, to do the same. We can accomplish so much more beside one another to further proceed in teaching, learning and helping others across the globe. Both our teams look forward to working with you all in the future.
Well said PURE-Tech you hit the nail right on the head Paranormal research is not a competition , the results could be amazing if more teams worked hand in hand , instead of against eachother , a coalition would be the best solution for all.
I to as Co-founder would also like to apologise to Pure paranormal for any comments that were recieved relating to G.P.S , i hope that these trouble makers soon get the message and stop these childish acts , which is clearly causing distress for both teams involved , this is taking up time and energy that should be used to research further into this amazing science that we are involved in, and should not be taken up sorting petty childish acts from a few idiots that have nothing better to do than cause friction between respectable hard working groups.
I hope that contact between Pure Paranormal and G.P.S can be maintained in the future for positive reasons as it is truly fantastic when groups can work together and build friendships
I'm glad to see someone who is actually with GPS come forward on this. GPS is a top-notch organization and worthy of every the highest respect! I also noticed that the trouble makers don't even have the stones to log in before making their grade-school level comments. Personally I'd like to see these rating sites go away and be replaced by coalitions sites. True paranormal research is not a competition folks. We need to band together to further the knowledge. Anyone who thinks otherwise is not in it to seek the truth, and that hurts us all. BTW, I'm with P.U.R.E. Paranormal and I just voted up G.P.S.! So eat that trouble makers!
Oh dear...What a mess this all seems to be. I would like to apologise to PURE for any negative comments that you may have received relating to G.P.S. It does appear that somebody is playing games and is constantly stirring up trouble on this ranking site. We appear to be very similar organisations and I would like to think of us as paranormal partners, there to help each other stand by the wider community and help provide answers to a truly remarkable area of science. Let’s hope those responsible for this childish act can grow up and help our community as opposed to hindering our efforts to help others.
PURE Paranormal is NOT voting down ANYONE. In fact, we stand AGAINST it. Someone here is taking this ENTIRELY way too seriously and playing games. This is just a site to tell people about your site, and nothing more. PURE does NOT vote ANYONE down! We are dedicated to being HELPFUL to people, not to pose actual efforts in creating a negative environment. Our core mission as a team is to help, educate and learn. Our team, as well, has been voted down so we understand the frustration that this type of voting system can create but would never retaliate towards other teams because we are ALL working toward the same goal. PURE will not play part in these childish games, but we will continue to do our best as a paranormal investigation team and help and aid the public, not to do the opposite. We encourage you, the public, to get to know the team on our forum to discover our true identity rather than believe petty, childish rumors posted on a single site by ONE individual who keeps himself masked and seems to be the one who is doing this in order to create drama. Please visit the link for our forum at PUREparanormal.com or write the founder directly at info@pureparanormal.com. We have nothing negative to say about any group or individual here, and we wish each one nothing but the best because we are devoted to our values. We will continue to stand by the paranormal community as a team and help build it up through science, fact and the desire to learn, teach and help, not by destroying it.
I am familiar with PURE Paranormal and how they run their operation. I like the fact that they're a nonprofit organization and they stand by their core mission. They are genuine researchers who happen to be a wonderful group of individuals as well. Very willing to help those who need their services without passing judgement. They have high standards and are great to work with!

This London based society run by a team of experienced ghost hunters investigating paranormal incidents across Britain.
GPS have withdrawn from these voting sites as certain teams have been able to crack the voting mechanism and vote for themselves hundreds of times each day. Sad really that crap teams have to resort to cheating. At least GPS have been on TV and in the media spotlight. They are the most prfoessional team on the web and you other teams out there have to cheat to even touch the sides.
Why would somebody deliberately be reducing our vote count??? and there seems to be something very strange about the number of votes being received by certain groups listed on here! An unfair ranking system is as useless as a chocolate teapot.
They are also working on a project for Channel 5 and The Paranormal Channel !! Go G.P.S
The National Paranormal is based in Florida and Oklahoma. We investigate hauntings and paranormal phenomena.
Dedicated to providing excellence while investigating the paranormal.
Raw footage of live investigations, audio, pictures, you can evne comment on findings.
This is a highly professional paranormal research team who have been in operation for almost four years. They have investigated over 45 cases and offer their services for free. They have numerous excellant referances and will investigate both private homes as well as public locations or businesses.
Ghostsstory.com is supported by unique and personal member submitted ghost-stories and pictures. Submit your true ghost stories today, earn points, awards, medals and more. We are dedicated to hosting your own unique ghost stories and pictures. Registration is fast, easy and free.
A new, excellent paranormal site devoted to posting exciting and puzzling paranormal items from around the globe. The team sifts through thousands of sites and postings and brings the best that the internet has to offer.
We host a forum and active feedback from all members!
Not quite sure how they determine what is real and what isn't. But the posts are really interesting.
Wisconsin research of ghosts, hauntings, and the paranormal. RCPS investigates haunted locations in Wisconsin. RCPS is a TAPS Family Member.
Paranormal forumssometimes with live ghostcam experiments... from motion tracking cams to nightvision and infrared cam filters. They have 6 live cams with 24 ways to watch. You are sure to find watch interests you here.
Paranormal Pulse prides itself in its cooperative organizational structure, where all members have an equal say in how we do business!
We're a scientifically based organization which uses a massive database of our own design to analyze every scrap of evidence, the equipment utilized, and all other situational conditions to determine what works best for capturing evidence of the paranormal and "why?" We do this so our results may be consistently duplicated and improved upon!
Now in their 11th year, Haunted Hamilton is the 3rd Oldest Website on the Paranormal in Canada. Offers hundreds of articles on ghosts, hauntings and paranormal investigation. They operate Ghost Walks around Southern Ontario, Haunted Bus Trips, Public Ghost Hunts, Themed events and more! They also appear as paranormal consultants and historians on many TV Shows including Creepy Canada, Ghost Trackers, Shadow Hunter and many more! www.hauntedhamilton.com
Paranormal Research Organizations site with some of the best captures I have ever seen and great articles as well.
The Global Paranormal Network is a social network dedicated to paranormal researchers, enthusiasts and investigators alike. Talk with others and share experiences.
BrimstoneParanormal.com is the online home of Fire & Brimstone Paranormal Investigations, a professional, paranormal investigation guild, dedicated to the search for supernatural phenomena. F&B Paranormal shares their findings and news on cryptozoology, metaphysics, ufo logy, and ghost studies, in the hopes of educating and entertaining those interested in the unknown.
SciCAPS is made up of a group of like minded individuals with interest in applying scientific principles and knowledge to the paranormal. We believe in the concept of sharing information and ideas.Working together to find answers and to further the field of paranormal studies. So join us and help us shine light onto this field of research.
Up to date always, great pics, actual apparition capture, humor, great music and is part of the Paranormal Louisiana Network society
This group has captured some amazing pics! I will keep coming back to that site for sure!
sounds like a lot of sour grapes on this site. If people like a site and vote for it it will change ranks. We have been moved down 8 notches our selves. So what? I know that what we do is genuine, our pics and video (once posted is real) and we don't monkey with any of our pics. We are a true group! Voted down or up - who cares? Just do what you do and have fun! Geez Louise!!
The Society for Understanding Paranormal Phenomenon (S.U.P.P.) founded by Scott Romeo is a northeast P.A. based paranormal investigation group. We are dedicated to helping those who believe they are experiencing paranormal phenomenon. Each investigation is conducted in a scientific, professional manner, free of charge, using the latest technology, and equipment. www.theparanormalphenomenon.com OR supp.has.it
preordainedmoviecontest.com is a unique social network that host member submitted videos, pictures, paranormal discussions and stories. We even offer a contest for the best supernatural entries. Free registration.
This team is a hostile haunts team, with decades of experience and a great website with real information, that can help people with bad hauntings.
These people need to learn what camera anomalies are, and shutter speed. Blurred pictures are nothing paranormal!
This is one of the best websites for paranormal, I have ever found. It gives real information to help with hauntings. I love the different format of this site verses the other paranormal sites.It is very educational. I also love their book, "Never Forever dead."
A new brand of mystery/paranormal storytelling. Interactive polls lead you in different directions across the US. Your votes dictate how slowly or quickly you solve The Undead Thread mystery.
North Orange county Paranormal Society investigates the paranormal, sometimes broadcasting it live.
This site has thousands of paranormal stories to read, the articles are clever and well written. This site brings a new perspective to everything paranormal. Read about ghosts, UFOs, Bigfoot, demons and other topics here:
The Afterlife Paranormal Investigations of the Carolinas is a non-profit professional paranormal research organization dedicated to discovering the truth behind claims of paranormal activity and unexplained phenomena. APIC has a mission to provide information, support, comfort, and evidence to those involved, experiencing, or troubled by paranormal activity. Using the most technologically advanced methodologies available, our team of trained and specialized investigators carefully review and analyze scientific data and personal experiences to determine if suspected activity is paranormal or para-natural associated with life after death and the continuation of human consciousness after physical disembodiment. The APIC team attempts to exhaust all claims of activity logically by examining natural causes before jumping to any conclusions of paranormal activity. Afterlife Paranormal Investigations of the Carolinas is based out of South-East part of South Carolina and covers areas in and surrounding South and North Carolina area.
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