Business Quotes Regarding Planning
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The executive of the future will be rated by his ability to anticipate his problems rather than to meet them as they come. Howard Coonley

Shouldn't we all be able to do this.
Yes, you should always have a plan.
Make no little plans, they have no magic to stir men’s blood. Make big plans, aim high in hope and work and let your watchword be order and your beacon beauty. David Burnham

There is another way of saying this, "Go big or go home." When you plan, plan big.
Yes, this is the way to succeed.
We can’t cross a bridge until we come to it; but I always like to lay down a pontoon ahead of time. Bernard M. Baruch

So true. It is always best to have a plan.
I thatched my roof when the sun was shining, and now I am not afraid of the storm. George F. Stivers

An intelligent plan is the first step to success. The man who plans knows where he is going, knows what progress he is making and has a pretty good idea when he will arrive. Planning is the open road to your destination. If you don’t know where you are going, how can you expect to get there? Basil S. Walsh

He who every morning plans the transactions of the day and follows out that plan carries a thread that will guide him through the labyrinth of the most busy life. The orderly arrangement of his time is like a ray of life which darts itself through all his occupations. But where no plan is laid, where the disposal of time is surrendered merely to the chance of incident, chaos will soon reign. Victor Hugo

Expect only 5% of an intelligence report to be accurate. The trick of a good commander is to isolate the 5%. Douglas MacArthur

I try to have no plans the failure of which would greatly annoy me. Half the unhappiness in the world is due to the failure of plans which were never reasonable, and often impossible. Edgar Watson Howe

You and I must not complain if our plans break down if we have done our part. That probably means that the plans of One who knows more than we do have succeeded. Edward E. Hale

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