The Worst Stereotypes About People and Culture
37 items ranked
In no way are these stereotypes true and should not be take as such. These are just stereotypes that label and degrade people and cultures. In no way is this list meant to be racist.
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I get this one alot as an African, its all what the news shows and what media has to say--poor, inadvanced, tribal, dark, and always have strong accents and click our tongues haha. My country (Ghana) is fairly advanced, apparently I'm pretty light skinned for one and my hair is pretty long too
A community that is known for its pubs and enjoying life does not make you a drunk. I have not met an Irish person who is a drunk, they might like to enjoy an occasional drink though.
It is really offensive when people refer to us as "emo" because of that stereo type. no no all
''emo'' people cut. it is a style and a way of life for some people.
Probably one of the largest community of givers in the world. The culture believes in tithing (giving 10% of their gross income to their house of God). In no way is that greedy!
uh, i'm a girl and i'm in science Olympiad and math kangaroo and i went to all this crap...
don't i get any credit?
and oh yeah...i learned algebra and slope at the age of 9-10
i'm a woman and when it said do the math to post a comment i had to bring out the scientific calculator but i couldn't get it to work, so i just got my son to do it for me
Pshhh I have friends who are overpowering the guys in these subjects!

This is not true! I'm British and half the country don't understand me and that is because we have many accents. Mine is called the Black Country or Yam Yam.
Bone density, height, and a lot of other things have to be thought of when diagnosing obesity. Fun fact: Its more found in blacks, and Hispanics then white persons. Which may be why it's less common in Europe?..Don't know specifics.
Not all Americans are fat- I'm American and quite skinny. Yes, a lot of America is becoming a couch-potato, but all schools have one hour of Physical Education every day, and I am involved in softball and soccer almost every day. In my spare time, I do relax on my phone and watch TV, but not all Americans are fat!
You guys haven't seen those shows like ANT Farm and other shows where the girls have bodies thinner than sticks
I'm American, and I agree that its partially true. But all schools should have PE everyday, like in my school, so we can stop this. Thats why there are like, no overweight people in my school.
According to the National Institutes of Health, 17% of children and adolescents aged 2 to 19 years were overweight in 2004.
32.2% of adults suffer from obesity (that’s almost 90 million)
Another 30% of Americans are simply overweight.
not all americans are fat.. plus there are fat people all over the world not only here

Since 911, Arabs continue to get a bad rap. Not every Arab is funding terrorist activity!
Actually, only 9% of terrorist attacks have been by muslim or arab people. Also, technically the U.S. and other countries, once they have beat these "terrorist countries" down, are the terrorist themselves. We just dont call them that because they are the winners.
There are the radicals and then theres the rest of the Arab pop. dont judge every Arab u see pass by in a hajab or with a beard and think they'll kill u or something, but its still okay to have fear everyone does but not every Arab is like the radicals--they believe they will be rewarded by God and the prophets for killing people.
Its not even close to the truth; I'm Canadian, and I have friends that are from eastern Canada, and none of us say "eh" after everything.
How do you act a color? You are yourself and a color is exterior not interior.
I get this all the time all because I like to pronounce my words and maintain a level of elegance and act civil amongst others. This bothers me as much as when people say a white girl who acts "ghetto" is trying to be black...are you kidding me ignorance and intelligence doesn't have a color or race.
one not all poor or homeless people are insane maybe they lost everything at
Vegas and are trying to get back on their feet but that does not mean they are insane however some are and you just have to avoid those people. It's a declining progress you lose your money you lose your house you lose your shower you smell bad you get fired for smelling bad and then nobody will hire you because you smell bad
because this is true ... and i am from mexican decent and i hear thiss all the time
No and no. All Latino based people do not come from one country. That is just plain ignorant. Latino is not even a single race, it is a combination of races residing in Latin America, specifically in the US. African American, Caucasian, Asian, Native American, etc. Any combo of those can be considered Latino. Full bred Mexicans are considered Hispanic, which is the definition of Spanish speaking countries formerly ruled by Spain.
Latino and Hispanic are two different ideas to differentiate two classes of people. As for the swine flu, that is trying to find someone to blame.
Haven't met one yet who is illegal - do people really know anyone who is illegal? This is one of the worst stereotypes.
Look, I'm not enforcing this stereotype. You're right. Most Mexicans are not here illegally. But in Arizona, it is still a big problem. I know two families here illegally, and they're all wonderful people. The majority of Mexicans are not illegal immigrants, but you can't deny the enormity of this problem.
From the look of it, two years since this was posted, I highly doubt the average US citizen even knows a person that knows illegal immigrants. So, it is easier to point out that most Mexicans are illegal, if not all of them at some point. I'm saying this with the authority of being Mexican born myself. My immediate family migrated here LEGALLY, earned our citizenship, and still get stereotyped. Funny thing is, my skin is pale as snow, practically come off as Caucasian, until I give out my name. Oops. C'est la vie, no?
no they are not because i know this boy named tan tran and hes soooo stupid and hes asian
I've been called smart because I'm Asian, and it hurts everytime someone says that because that's denying my hard work I spent studying
yeah...i'm asian and i think i'm pretty smart but just because you're asian or a race means that you are automatically something
that is not completely true , I am Brazilian and here has lot´s of hard worker people, but too is true that has many people that don't work , just because of the lack of opportunity, many people here didn't finish the school, our goverment is poor and corrupt so many of us doesn't had the same opportunities to be a good employed
Hate this one! While I agree, some women are sensitive and lean towards being emotionally led, not all are this way.
Not all Natuve Americans live in tepees, have red skin, live in reservations. The stereotype not only effects Natives but it can also effect non Natives. The movies and the R-words usually leave Natives with the anxiety and the verbal bullying of being told that they are not Native by their looks.
There are many different regional accents in Britain which do sound very terrible.
Its not-- at all. And it really makes me mad when people ask me if Canadian is a language. We speak French and English, people!
I used to think this until i met this cool asian guy and he happened to have a big penis. Ever since then all the asian guys ive been with have been bigger then most of the other races i've dated. The smallest guy i've been with was half black and white!
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