I understand that Netsky is a far cry from all the underground darkstep/neuro/techstep heavier stuff, but geez, he shouldn't be flamed for making music in his own style. Boris has said that he's inspired by funk and soul, and his music is aligned as such, giving it a distinct feel that's kind of lost in the raw, uncut underground scene. It's really apples to oranges; whereas folks like Spor, Noisia, Mefjus, and BSE are very technically oriented, Netsky and the electrostep crowd exhibit skill in an entirely different way. I don't see why you guys who have been in the scene for years feel the need to ostracise "casuals" like me; you enjoy your DnB, we'll enjoy ours, even if ours isn't "real."
too soft, wheres the sha3wazeh? drum and bass isn't supposed to be vocalized! i want to see names of underground dark d&b artists!
OLD Netsky was true art, but his new stuff istiresome and to mainstream and vocal, far to vocal in my veiw
Netsky don't worth State of Mind, Ed rush or Optical, he is just more popular...
Netsky has talent but he's way too mainstream. His tracks wear off so fast and get boring. No offense guys but there's much more advanced DnB out there.
no commercial tosh, just the best D&B
facebook - DrumandBassLinks
yeah photek definitley deserves to be on here along with 4hero, manix, big bud and any other dnb artists. This list is for casuals.
Whats happened to the DnB scene?? Has noone heard of BREAK????? He doesnt even get a mention here. Thats appalling!!
Has anyone heard of Photek, Klute and John B? Nope. You're too young. Anyway, check them out. Early works in particular.
I hear all these good comments of Netsky.. downloaded maybe 7 of his songs so far; now I'm a deff a drum n bass fan but all his songs sound the same! Should try to make his songs more amp rock like "Fool Yourself" by Chase and Status ft. Plan B ft. Rage or in my opinion "fun to jam to drum n bass liek "Ugly" by Bassnectar Feat Amp Live!!
Netsky is the best artist ever im so hyped up about him. I have like 40 of his songs and theyre all my favourite. BEST SONGS OF ALL TIME: Memory lane and i refuse~ starlight, smile everyday, escape,lost in this world, tomorrows another day, all of them theyre all so sick.
His songs sounded a lot better in his pre-Hospital days, listen to Tomorrow's Another Day for further reference.
Original compositions are meh imo. But he can make some really tight remixes!
Nice music, but not enough quality for being the best artists. But some of the top 10 - 15 in my mind
Power of sound gives me goosebumps everytime i hear it, and ive heard it over 100 times surely. He is amazing, my favorite artist to be exact. I wish he would come to America :(
i intend to listen to netsky to see what this is about but pendulum is the ONE AND ONLY god of DnB music and anyone that doesnt like them shouldnt be listenin to DnB
spark a fat one, sit with a few mates, and you will soon understand why he's at number one. i reccomend mellow, exactly what it says on the tin....
i thought i was the only one, 16 and in love. such a great artist. definitely the best artist to blaze too.
Netsky is ok but I am shocked by all this love....... proper random choice for number ONE!!!!
Netsky is brilliant, the song Eyes Closed is one of my favorite dnb songs ever mate
Pendulum - best Drum N' Bass group I've heard, all their songs are amazing but for starters Hold Your Colour, The Tempest, Propane Nightmares, Different, Crush are just amazing
amazing, Everyday (netsky remix) is sick, just like all his music
Its d best thing one can listen to after smokin up a 'J'.... I hav always experienced a gr8 trip aftr listening to Netsky!
gr8! work NETSKY!
Memory Line is so refreshing...can listen it all day long..thank you Netsky !!!
Netsky makes some wicked dnb number 1 ? wouldnt be so sure but defs worthy of a top 5
netsky is too slow and boring and the same thing over and over, good thing Pendulum passed it they are way better.
ummmm netsky is not the 3rd best dnb producer atm. y oh y is he above prodigy, andy c, noisia.
Get real...great music but dnb is about the live show...for all you who listen at home and don't leave the couch. Netsky at 2 is embarassing to trueheads out there...not saying he isn't good or a musician...some people don't live or dance dnb and it shows in this "list" ((how much sh*t does Spor put out anyway?)
amazin,simply amazing...every song suprised me more then last one xD
aww i wana push up like 50 times, his music can be different sounding, but equally mindblowing like iron heart and memory lane
I `ve been listening to D&B over 10 years now and Netsky is blowing my mind !! Amazing
Absolutely right, Netsky should be at least in the Top 10! Amazing work!
i thinkk he should be numberr one! he's incredible & definitely is gonna be massive very sooon!

matey does have a point thou cos i never hear of feint neither til i see this... i dont think they are hatin on feint they probaly just suprised
Third, actually. Maybe instead of hating, you could go listen to it?
Feint & Fiction – The Catch , One word: OOOOOOOOOMMMMMMMGGGGGG!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Stan has some good work done, even if he is young. No one can deny that. Your opinions are irrelevant when it comes to judging talent, as the list is determined by the majority. You may not think he's that good, but you don't need to trash him for it. The guy's good. End of story.
Stan SB sounds epic! His stuff is more relaxing than others, and it's epic that he's only 16, and yet he can compete with professionals like pendulum or netsky.
The persons that making this list going to school with the Stan B, so not good list for me sorry... but did find many good artists though. still bad list
he is awesome and the fact that you don't know him doesn't make him but your music taste worse.
Nice music, but not enough quality for being the best artists. But some of the top 10 - 15 in my mind
Who the hell is this guy? nobody know's who he even is but he is 2nd on this list??
this is stupid he hasnt even done hardly nething yet he only just left school. he shouldn't be 2nd of all times.
Wow! i go to school with this guy... his stuff is amazing, good luck man!

guys, if anyone should be on top. it's noisia, then spor, then london elektricity, then Danny Byrd, then chase and status, then Black Sun Empire, then Sub Focus, then Camo and Krooked, then Netsky, then S.P.Y, then Phace, then pendulum somewhere down in the middle
The Qemists succeed where Pendulum has failed, and thats putting guitars in DnB. Seriously Pendulum, leave the guitars alone, please!
The Qemists - Stompbox (Spor rmx) makes my dick hard!!!
Best song ever!

My first tune i ever heard of drum & bass was Camo & Krooked vs. Friction - Stand up and i really love it. Now i think that Reini & Markus the best drum&bass artists. Their tunes are so melodic^^
should be number one on this list .. very epic and very amazing ..
ive seen pendulum live. superb, dont tough netsky or camo though :]
absolutely deserve a better ranking. a most creative austrian duo, making kick-ass dnb!
CLIMAX, HISTORY OF THE FUTURE, CAN'T GET ENOUGH are all the sickest tunes, i love c&k
lol c&k are the best dnb group ever. numbers, talkbox,cliffhanger..they are gods
Should be in the top 5 at least... rank 26 sounds pretty wrong to me..
Try out History of the Future, or the Talkbox remix they made, some really great beats :D
after pendulum clearly the best dnb group. Try to listen to them.... your head will explode.

You must be high if you think that noisia are "not that good," they are definitely the second coming when it comes to not just DnB, but to all the underground music types. Their collab with Foreign Beggars should see them at least top 3
Wut? 5??? the only things that makes sense is if the 5 symbolizes that they're 5 times better than the rest
so, why are all the drum and bass guys "the greatest and why aren't they on top?"
These guys are the best thing thats happened to DnB and why are pendulum top, im sorry but does any one else think all there stuff sounds the same ??v

This guy has the best bass lines I've ever heard in my entire life :D
person above umm i think you commented on the wrong band... this is spor not pendulum
Pendulum is some sick ****, have you guys listened to Hold Your Clour, thats probably the best Drum n' Bass I've ever heard
iv never heard of this artist but will check him out this weekend 4 sure :)
heavy and progressive. no cheesy stuff like pendulum and others.
check out latest EP "Conquerors And Commoners"
I would say slow starts, But then I would also have to say Good riffs x3

Who cares who is better....
Pendulum + Subfocus should co-op play on stage!!
If you guys didn't know, there is a collab between him and Pendulum back in 2005, called Distress Signal.
Amazing! Their songs make my hair go on end...! Definately deserve to be the top best dnb artist thats for sure!!!
I LIKE WHAT iv heard of sub focus which isnt alot but im working on it. :)
When people ask me: "if I wanted to get into DnB, who should I start listening to just to get a feel for what it all sounds like?" Guess who I send um to!?
Let the story begin, Splash, Could this be real and Rock it. DnB tunage for sure
AMAZING... Saw live @ Reading10 day after pendulum and was more hectic but still prefer pendulum so fair ranking IMO
Sub Fucus sucks. Almost all of his rythm is the same 4/4 crap.
He is the ****!!!! almost as good as pendulum i highly recommend his albums to any fan of DnB
His music is so clever. I reckon he's better live than pendulum.

im pretty sure this list is backwards lol
the artists get bettr every time u scroll down lol
Nothing gets near them - blind faith, end credits, let you go and they are so versatile unlike most artists on here
Would definitely rate them in front of pendulum, no questions asked should be top of this list, early productions from pendulum were solid DnB but lately have fallen away with about half of their album actual DnB. Chase & Status have always been raising the bar with quality tunes,
Chase and Status are totally cool, they deserve to be higher up the list
New Edition More Than Alot filezee.com/aoohaw7jsrfz
Download It :)
i love there tunage,more than alot is sooooooooo good...love there other tracks too,end credits is stunning plus there mali mix and the rest,cantwait till there new album is out,saw them lvie last night at hmv forum,london and they blew my mind!!!!!!
Safe to say one of the most versatile acts on here..quality !
All of these bands play the same "jungle" beats that have been around forever! Richard D. James was so far ahead of all these bands back in the 90's!!!

WHAT! 10th? Deffinetly deserverd to be much higher up the list!
Undeniably they are not so much DnB now, but Hold Your Color and back was some of the best DnB I have ever heard! I agree with most of you, they are dubstep now, but they still do deserve to be on this list for their past accomplishments.
Generally its commercial rubbish - DnB for people who dont really like DnB. Sort of where DnB went wrong. - It sold out. Its like saying the best ever hip-hop artist is lil wayne.
they are good, but they use guitars and that is where they fall down with drum and bass, i love them but like i said guitars...
This aint a popularity contest. But they should be higher. Atleast challenging for top 3?
Pendulum should be number 1. Netsky and others are solely influenced by Pendulum's Hold Your Colour album.
It's really funny how the only people who hate Pendulum are the D&B purists who hate how they've deviated and made their songs sound a little more like actual SONGS. All they did was take D&B and add more melody and stuff to it. I am a totally neutral party, and I think their stuff is awesome. It's dumb to judge music based on your own stupid expectations and how "true" they are to one specific genre. If you think it's getting crappy as D&B music, then just let it be what it's turning into and stop complaining. Try to look at things more objectively.
You speak the truth. Most dnb sounds pretty much the same anyway, Pendulum are just more professional than most dnb acts. It's silly to give them thumbs down just cuz they are successful.
The only reason people say pendulum are crap is because they're too arrogant to admit that they like a band that got into the top 40 from a genre that is typically seen as underground. GET OVER YOURSELVES! pendulum are good, i'd have them about 3rd or 4th.
Old Pendulum - Yes! (Hold your colour and before) In Silico - NO. Just funking NO. Immersion - relates back to old stuff so yes... BUT they've become so mainstream now because of In Silico it hurts :( They were much better before they got popular. End of.
These guys used DnB as a platform, nothing else. The Vault is their best DnB tune and its what made them. Other than that they are a band that basis there sound on a simple 1-2 dnb beat. Anybody who classes them as top DnB just doesnt know DnB. I have been DJing in the Scene for over 10 years and these are never in my crate unless im playing to non DnB heads. The only way DnB comes in their title is if you say "students-who-dont-understand-DnB" Number one my arse!!!!
Pendulum's the best guys, they have variety in their music. Everyone else is also good, but the same beat. I think that's a Pendulum's property that keeps them on top.
I believe there are two dnb acts that are equal if not better than them that arent on this list. Calyx and Teebee, and Chase and Status.
dude scond comment you a cheezy beat, have you seen these guys live they the greatest
C'mon ppl they have a good sound and have done some great stuff but it's just that they're formulaic approach to cookie-cutting tracks out gets old, fast. Good quality sound, gets bland after a while. btw I do ****in hate that same main melody syth they ALWAYS use.
Most 'Top' lists are based on popularity... Probably just a bunch of kids who likes to believe that being far from mainstream is 'cool' and 'totalie original'
Some of you guys are complete Rubbish...
When regarding DnB from a band, you put their DnB songs in regards....
All of pendulum's DNB are amazing. From HYC to their earlier stuff.
Songs like Follower, Masochist, Trail of Sevens, Tarantula, Hold Your Colour, Slam, Steamline, Distress Signal, Ulterior Motive, and Vault are GODLY tracks.
So what is pendulum plays a whole new genre? They still incorporated DnB in their new songs and yet, they made DnB appeal to more people because my discovery of Pendulum led to my discovery to sick DnB tracks.
They are my favourite artists ever and during the 'Hold you colour' era, i would agree that they were the best DnB artists. They're latest stuff is still absolutley amazing, but in no way would i still class them as DnB
Pendulum rule love all there song
Witchcraft was the song to get me into Drum and bass loved so I bought immersion amazing lived every song
But I bought their discography the old is better than the new but new still good
Now I haven't really listened to enough Sub Focus to say Pendulum is better but I would like to say that anyone who has said that Pendulum has "Cheesy" things in their songs holds true for maybe 2 songs... Other than that songs like Hold Your Colour, The Other Side, Propane Nightmares, Blood Sugar, Granite, and tons of others are amazing, so don't even make a single comment against pendulum till you listen to some of those.
with pendulum, they always do something u dont expect such as set me on fire, the vulture etc...thts y they r second
I liked the old pendulum better because it was more minimal with the vocals. then they started going crazy with the EMO ( bad religion) type vocals. it took on a new more linear sound. saw them at coachella and it seemed like a early emo band up there. but they are still amazing don't get me wrong, just my hyper critical 2 cents.
TOTTALY DESERVES 1st SPOT. Seeing these in 5 days, eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeep.
did see them live about a year or so ago tho and will say,excellent gig,espcially when they played tunes from hold your colour.
hold your colour is a music defining album,pure genius from start to finish,classic tunage,classic album but since then,apart from a handful of tracks i think theyve gone downhill and i find there tunes mostly sound the same.
Watercolour is such a great song. Thats the tune that got me started on DnB.. been a face ever since! :D
Most of the people who voted for pendulum are people who have never heard of any other DnB artists!
How come im not seeing Stanton Warriors on this list. there the real gods of the DnB world. Whos with me?
What the hell?! Where's Evol Intent on this list, and why is this "band" in 1st place? ;(
Pendulum are plain awful. this is a popularity list no measure of quality at all. Prodigy don't produce DnB or Caspa + Rusko.
Dude, pendulum disgrace dnb. It has no good percussion! Listen to Bes & Cobalt - Human. That's dnb for you.
Pendulum is rubbish for sure
joke older stuff might just fall into drum and bass but its the blandest most straight basic predictable dnb out there spor and noisia are pushing boundaries well smashing them in half pendulum are a pop artist now. same beat in every song same fills most songs are in same key, all in same time sig. boring. their like a boring version of the qemists
Deluxe how can you say it sounds like NickelBack, it sounds NOTHING like them. Try listening to Tarantula, Masochist VIP or anything old and you will understand how truly AMAZING they really are. People say there new stuff sucks, i disagree, they are still original, the just decided to add lyrics, the beats are still sick ass! Try The Vulture, amazing beats! From Pete W
Pendulum are Bloody Amazing. If you say that their crap you know nothing about music. They have produced some truly amazing songs like Tarantula, Slam, Propane Nightmares...
This is total rubbish, it sounds like nickelback with some cheezy beats laid on top of it. Not even DnB!

No DnB song out right now. right now. beats paperchase...or if not that, california, or everyother remix he's done recently.
Danny Byrd is the best for me. He's the #1. All of the mentioned artists on this site are good, but Byrd has something fresh and original, and so many of his songs seize me and never let go of me. Never.
Danny Byrd deserves higher than this. His new album Rave Digger is crazy awesome good. SuperSized was freakin' sick too. What the hell guys?
Why down so low, went to see him at hospitality, insane, needs to be in the top 10 at least.

Wow B-complex so low on the list ?! beautiful lies and break the silence are awesome!
PENDULUM is dnb that is an actual band and plays with real instruments live
This guys gonna be HUGE, listen to Beautiful lies and Three Dots...........wow
what? B-COMPLEX should be number one,bloody amazing, listen to WINTER,GIRL WITH FLOWER and SOBER YET OVERDOSED
B-complex down here?!?! this is the only band I've sene so far that is ACTUALLY DNB!! The first band isn't even DNB? This band is what you need to listen to if you want to know what DNB is.. cmon guys.. DRUM AND BASS!

beautiful lie-
cigarette lighter-
all well engineered tracks, definately top notch
Should be number one, (or maybe number 2 behind spor). Girls by him is (Irony!) orgasmic and everyone should hear it before they die.
dark and bad ass .. big section of my vinyl if filled with these guys
dark and bad ass !!! i have more vinyl of them then any other one dj
new and fresh? theyve been around longer than anyone in this list you morons. who wrote this list a 12 year old? psshhh
Endangered Species CD2 & Driving Insane CD2 = expert mixing :)
Ok, I changed my mind. Nice atmospheric keys but all the rhythm is the same old crap.
Have to agree with you. These guys actually compose rythm and music, not just the same old jungle-esque beats.

Brown Paper Bag, Trust Me, Snapshot, pioneering songs, if this list is all time Roni should be top 20 at least
Greatest dnb of all time! How were they not already on the list? Forget your pop so-called dnb acts like Pendulum. Nerve is the real deal.
Nerve are ridiculously good but aren't strictly speaking DnB. They do quite a bit of DnB but also a lot of other stuff. Their studio work isn't much cop though, nothing compares to seeing them live.
JESUS that is some slick DrumnBass!! They got some unbelieeeeeeeeevable tekkers thats for sure
well i checked em out.... its good. they are talented i will say that but i dont know about best ever
Should have said before - Nerve performances are totally improvised so every Nerve performance is unique! You gotta check these guys out! Serious. Jojo Mayer is God.

any list with goldie so far down is a joke. he should be top 5 minimum. this list is a disgrace. seriously people learn some dnb history.
This guy has to be nearer the top. He invented drum n bass. Terminator is considered to be the first ever d'n'b track.
Richard D. James is the ONLY one of this entire list that can actually WRITE music, not just loop a typical never ending constant tempo beat.
vordhosbn by aphex twin is pretty dnbish? is it not? beside the fact that aphex twin is a genius. also drum and bass is drum and bass... so if a song has drum and bass is it it not drum and bass? o.0
this guy is literally insane but is a musical genius. amazing guy
NO ONE beats Aphex Twin!
He is the master of our times. Mozart, beethoven and vivaldi combined!!!

The Prodigy is not a band limited to single genere. It's unique mix of electronic music, rock, etc. But tracks like Omen, Warrior's Dance, and very DnB, not puritans DnB but, hey ? Think inside the box or outside - I rather good Prodigy style DnB than average purist dnb.
It's dnb for sure, those who disagree should go back to learnplace!
Not so much Drum n Bass but their songs have so much variety you can call it whatever you want... It doesnt make it any less awesome though!!
Prodigy are good, but they're not DnB in my opinion... Not really
Godfathers...total inovation...must give it to 'em. Not exclusive dnb but worthy of the list
Lol, Prodigy are good at what they do, but what they do isn't drum and bass XD Nice try...
Pendulum and sub focus are so DnB! that you consider The Prodigy as no Dnb thats logical because there are no DnB beats in their songs only in the remixes but to say that sub and pend arent either is just bull****
You're lost.... Pendulum IS considered DnB, and so is SubFocus. any artist consisting the beat: 1.2._.&.4 is considered DnB... these two artists mentioned hold this pattern respectively.
Prodigy is not DnB, Pendulum is not DnB, Sub focus is HARDLY DnB but more than the other 2. Prodigy dont claim to be DnB, they never were. This list is terrible...

not enough people know enough shapey :( they're amazing tho! everyone should youtube them
ok,so hes not entirely d,n,b but his music is original,hes massively talented and he does have alot of drum n bass influences in his music.
why are they not higher. one of the best kiwi producers around
They are pure DnB geniuses. Props to their self titled ablum; it doesnt just make you wanna dance but it appeals to your emotions.
their self titled album is second to none. collaborations with danny byrd.
LTJ Bukem _is_ atmospheric DnB. He essentially created it along with Photek, Seba, and Jack Smooth, who are nowhere to be seen on this list :(, he alone mastered it, and he built a solid record label around it. He deserves a spot in the top 20 at least.
Good looking Records was a pretty big deal for dnb, yet Bukem is only 36?
Im starting to realized the best DnB artist are at the bottom of this list. There is two type of artist: the studio artist and the one's who spin records. The newbies are at the top. The best are at the bottom. Hands down LTJ Bukem takes them all along with Dieselboy.

You can tell this list is done by a young'un. Doesn't remember DnB in its heyday - True pioneers all at the bottom. Brock wild!
Dj Fresh is second best to sub focus, although sub focus needs more songs
im not a big fan, Bad Company were better, listen to Planet Dust and The Nine by BC. Still respect what he does and hes far far far far better than ****ty Pendulum
Fresh could very well surpass pendulum. He is probably the most underrated here
I love his new stuff lassitude and gold dusts wehre the songs of 2010 for me

This is a joke having Calyx down here, him and Teebee are in my top %
That's not fare CALYX is no. 50 hes the best artist in Drum-N-Bass , he was the first and the best before those beginners came out in latest 2007 he and Omni Trio are perfect, u all dunno **** just listen to he's tracks Ex. "Guerrilla Warfare"
I saw him live at 420 fest and he was too ****in epic, i wish i could replay that night to rehear his performance, hes unlike any drum and bass artist ive ever heard!
Has to be top 10. But nowadays, there are a lot of ***** children listening to liquid stuff
Wonder how they solve the maths here :D
Dude WTF? number 19 they are the best EVER!!! with Black Sun Empire but i can´t even see them on this list:C:C
loved all the nightlifes .. he kinda sucked live when i saw him tho .. he spun the same record twice and was slopy on transitions .. still love him tho
The best Performing drum & bass DJ around so much talent its ridiculous!
valley of shadows!!!!!!! possibly the most important song in the jungle era. nuff said. give this man some respects for some mad spins. this list is annoying

Just finished listening to stand alone, quality album. I'm just glad to see that he's even on this list.
Listen to his stuff and see. A good example is Open your eyes. But of course many other awesome songs
Shocked that Muffler isn't on the list. Listen to "Dribble" or "Can You Feel" and be amazed.
depends his own music is the next thing but the bass and beat of the uncz music is unbeatable.
There is no reason Fred V and grafix shouldn't be acknowledged as the best. This guy (and grafix) are simply the best.
All his remixes sound better than the original and he makes his own sick DnB and Drumstep/Dubstep too.
Not really top top 5 or top 10, but still makes some good beats
example- Pure thoughts
I can't even believe how utterly lame this list is. Has even one of you ever been outside of Youtube for your drum and bass? Christ, Audio isn't exactly unknown and he's number ****ing 90?! AND NETSKY IS NUMBER ONE? WHAT ARE YOU DOING WITH YOUR LIVES?!
fantastic you only have to listen to their version on la roux in for the kill to know why it should be ranked well
Should be higher. Now only dabbles in jungle but still quality.
actually ur an idiot and he does jungle and dubstep
listen to i love you so remix, or epic last song...
There are many other artists in this list that don't produce 100% DnB, and I agree Skrillex does a lot of Dubstep, but his DnB tracks (MONSTA-Holdin' On Remix and Birdy Nam Nam - Goin' In (Going Hard Remix)) were awesome; so take that in mind for just a few seconds. And just because he prefers to make dubstep does not mean he should not be allowed in this list.
Just because he made ONE drum and bass song doesnt mean you can add him to this list. With that logic, I could add Tinie Tempah to this list cos of his drum and bass break in 'Pass Out' but that would be unwise now, wouldn't it?
Are you serious. how does skrillex make this list. he's TERRIBLE. end of story. James blake knows.
??? Skrillex only ever made one DnB song... granted i was good but whaa? Why is he on here?

phetsta is a genius... prism, stage diver, the key, run you down... whatt?? this list is so wack
These guys aren't bad, I've heard alot worse in this chart so it's a bit rich that these are at the bottom. Maybe people don't like the whole 'galactic vibe'.
These guys are totally epic.
Check out their tracks;
Flesh & Bone (Delta Heavy Remix)
Chicago Junglist who helped bring the music to the states with his amazing mixes. Part of C.H.A
Best Live DnB Dj/artist I've ever seen. Just check his stuff on soundcloud.
they don't play mostly D'n'B, but some albums like [FLA]vour of the weak or Artificial Soldier are reallz influenced by D'n'B and contains its elements.
This dude's music is the dirtiest, most craziest dnb music there is!! You can't deny it. Get him to the top!
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