Brilliant and somehow scary movie, I luv it a lot. God bless the team....!!!
the last scene is soooo funny!! but i think phobia 2 is scarier.
Its so scary movie...i saw this movie many times....dnt sleep alone after seeing it otherwise princess will come to c u hehe
the first story and in the aeroplane were so scary.. and the story about 4 friends was the funny one..
overall this was one of the scary movie.. love it!
nice horror movie,a movie with a complete story,scary and funny movie
The most frightening to the story about send massage from the gost N the storry about 4 bestfriend going to the jungle.

It was so good! Not that scary, because I'm used for much worse things to see in a horror movie, but it was really great story! Ananda Everingham is my favourite actor too, so I've watched it because of him, but then I started to be like: "Wow, this movie is awesome!" This is for sure a movie that you can watch many times!! ヘ(・_|
good movie. but not that scary. not recommended for the faint hearted though :)
every time i remember this movie, it never fails to give me the creeps.. its so scary in a major way.. :)
very...very scarry movie for me. i think that movie make me scare every day if i remember how that gost try to disturb her ex boyfriend.
sorry if my english not well......
^_^ V

the story was great and for me It's was so cool the writer was so smart to make this kind of story if you really love to watch horror movies you must try this too.. and the countries that was good on making horror movies are china,taiwan,korea and thailand.
this is one of the scariest movie i ever watch! even in my dreams shomba! the main character i saw her in my dreams!!! i recommend this movie to watch alone damn scary movie!
After so many years,this is still the most scary movies I've ever seen...
it's freaking scary but i don't get the whole story but overall it's very good..

the best scariest movie of thailand i ve ever watched. brilliant director n story liner.
I like it' this is the best horror i've ever seen ahmh.......luv it .,.,.,.,.,.,
I really like this movie !
It was amazing
It had a murder,ghost and mystery > < LIKE
Pen Choo Kub Pee - I do suggest people check this one out if they like their horror with a bit of drama.
Gwai wik starts out like most standard Asian horror films, particularly with the expectation that we're about to see yet another long haired female ghost. However, the film soon takes a dramatic turn towards the surreal
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