Funny ... Pitts are rated second only to the golden retriever in the national temperament scale.
How do you explain that?
I have owned pitbulls my whole life and never had a mean one because we treat them like family just like 6 months ago I rescued a razor edge pit from the river and the people who had him first abused him and I showed him love and he snapped out of it so treat the dogs how you want to be treated for real get with it
My friend has a pit bull. But there pit bull once attacked me and the bites were bad. But my neighbor has a pit bull and he is sweet and so kind. But later the pit bulls owner (the pit bull that attacked me) said that the pit bull attacked me just because he didn't know who I was but the owner always knows to keep him away from me
Own a pit to know a pit better... i love my pitbulls. its the owners carelessness not the dog's fault... hand me a chuaua and ill train it to kill and it will surely do.. remember punish the deed never the breed.
They should use pit bulls as police dogs because they are really deadly and dangrous.
pit bulls are not bad dogs all dogs can be aggresive if in the wrong hands. they are lovely dog
Pitbull are so deadly , dangerous and strong , he can protect you if you just train him well , so why don't you get a german shepherd
everyone who has ever owned a pit bull that attacked someone, always says: "it was such a well-behaved dog! It was such a baby! It was a part of our family!" I think pit-bull owners are extremely attention seeking and need counseling!
i have a pit bull at home he lives with 5 small dogs they get alon just fine and hes super sweet
I owe 2 pitbulls and a German Shepherd and they all get along great together and they all are great around little kids and other dogs. ITS ALL HOW YOU TRAIN THEM!!! JUST LIKE ANY DOG!

every dog is a good dog but you have to take care of them like my rottwelier
I have 7 month old rottweiler he is little aggressive sometimes but he is loyal and friendly. It depends how you look after him
Rottweiler is a dangerous dog , but he's not smart when he's bigger maybe , he will attack you, get a german shepherd guys
i see a rottweiler in nearby park attacking a bull and he was deadly!

german shepherd is the best dog on the world and rotties are the stupidiest dogs they are mad
I love my German shepherd. He's kind and sweet and won't even hurt a fly! I've heard that people say that pit bulls are better, I agree but my friends pit bull just ran up to me and started biting me and the bites were really bad. But I say both dogs are great but just some can be vicious and dangerous
i think german shepherd are the best dg in the whole entire world
GSH are overprotective that makes them dangerous and stupid sometimes even a friend cant touch you.. pitbulls are much better they sense first before reacting. if youre no threat then youre welcome but if you are then you are welcome to be bitten lol
I have a german shepherd and a Rottweiler. My german shepherd is very aggressive with him. German should be at top
German shepherd are very strong and dangerous they are even more aggressive than Rottweiler
One day I saw a gsd fighting with a Rottweiler and the gsd won an the Rottweiler head was bleeding a lot
I have a gsd he never let's any outsider come in till a say. German shepherd rock
German shepherds are very dangerous and smart dogs , they are easy to train and when they are 4 years , no body and I mean no body can touch you , they would do anything to protect you
German shepards are jst loving dogs they would anything to protect their owner
I have 2 of them they are so kind and they wood put my life before there's don't dis german shepher. P.S u will have me to deal with
I had a german shepher,however it was very scared of even fire crackers.
i see german shepherd attacking on elephant and then elephant die

Presa`s are actually more dangerous as they resemble a bigger no a huge Pit bull Not only will people think they are pit Even though pits aren`t good guard dogs at all. And they weigh a hell of a lot more than the other top 3 dogs. Rots; 90-110 German shep; 80-100 and a Pit ; 30-50 pounds. The presa puppy im getting his dad weighs 150 and his mom weighs 125. And Presa`s were bred for guarding, taking down large prey, fighting bulls, and killing feral dogs. And they are very dominant, so put in the wrong hands and you have a 100-160 pound disaster coming at you. And not to mention but the presa`s bite force is a hell of a lot harder then the top 3 dogs.
Hi i have a bull mastiff cross Amstaf he is 6 months old he loves all the attention from kids. Loves playing with other dogs. He has been socialised with children and other dogs since a pup. We have given him a good start to life. I belie it is the way the dog is bought up. I would say some small lap dogs are very snappy
My friend has a bullmastiff cross wolf hound and she's nothing but fun caring and playful when she gets taking out for a walk and a dog runs out to Her she sniffs there bum and walks away
I have had 5 dalmations over the past 25 years, male and female. I raised 2 children and now I grandchild along with them. They have all been rescue dogs and I would never get any other type of dog now. They are loveable, loyal, and have brought so much joy to our family. They ARE FAMILY!! Just do your training well and always let them know their boundries, keep them healthy and exercised and they will become the best dog you have ever owned. shassie
My doberman will try to attack anybody that is on our property or threatens to hurt his family. My mom was leaving for work and she said He thought she left for good and so he came in my room to alert if anything happens and she opened the door to the house and she said his whole body changed like he was a different dog. But once he saw it was his family he went back to his normal self. Dobermans only attack if they feel a threat.
It doesn't matter if your dog is a nice dog. It is the fact that the breed of dog is dangerous. And these dogs can be extremely dangerous when pissed off.
i once knew a miniature doberman pinscher who had anger issues ........... she bit me and left three scars

I have a boxer he love my rabbit and cat and is very sweet but he dose have leg problems but alot of boxers do
I own boxers and they can be aggressive toward other animals, but I have never seen them come close to being aggressive with humans. They are suspicious of strangers, but when they see that I am at ease with someone, their tails start wagging and the tongue comes out.
boxers can kill anything they have power,speed.abillity to do anything
I own 2 boxers and a shih-tzu my female boxer is a rescue I got her when she was 2 yrs old she is now 6 my male boxer is 2 1/2 yrs old my shih-tzu is 6 yrs old as well and my boxers are the best dogs ever they are very protective over my kids around strangers! They are very well behaived and very smart! I will for sure own more! I have a 4 month old niece as well and my dogs are so calm and gentle around her it is so cute to watch these very hipper dogs calm down so much when they are around her!! I do not believe boxers belong on this list at all!!

My 17 month old Cane Corso is the sweetest moosh. However, is he VERY protective of his pack, especially my 5 yr old son! Otherwise, he is a love bug!
Actually if a Saint Bernard gets to an angry point they are vicious and scary.
they are one of the worlds most gentle giant dogs in the world the AKC will back that up i bet
My uncle has to girl and boy the girl likes to be top dog but they are so cute 😊
My friend has a bulldog and she is so sweet mostly because she is old🐶💎
i have a staffordshire bull terrier and he is called louie,he is so kind and is the one of my favourite dog breeds.i do not think he is vicious actually i know he is not vicous even though you cant blame a dog on its attitude it is the owners responsibility to play with the dog and give the dog gratitude.THEY ARE NOT MEAN,VICOUS OR SCARY .they are loving,caring and kind........
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